Taehyung Imagine: Roomate Au

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Scenario: How could you have ever imagines living with a saxophonist when you preferred peace and quiet?

Rated: Smut

P: Taehyung x Reader

Request: "Saxophone Player can Play Other Things As Well."

Requested by: GravitysMistress

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Y'all two couldn't be more different.

He was the nerdy music major guy, crazy, enthusiastic, and loud during the night, but for all the wrong reasons.


The silent, antisocial (your dream major), loving peace and quiet more than parties and crazy college get togethers type of girl.

How had you even ended up with him as a roommate?

You thought that when you had put out that ad in the student school campus page, that you'd get a female or at least someone quiet or who hardly spent time at home.

But out of desperate need you took the first applicant in, not bothering to even check their major or interests which you had listed for them to fill out on the application.

It was too late now, almost six months into living together and honestly, besides the whole noise, he always paid his bills on time and sometimes, gave you a lit extra for the inconveniences.

There you sat in the living room, going through some papers you had to finish for finals week, the clock on your phone showing 12:59 A.M.

Just as you were about to set your coffee down, it began, like clockwork, the sound of a saxophone emanating from his room, the sound low yet loud.

You rolled your eyes, continuing your attempt to focus back on the papers, but failing miserably every time he missed a note.

He'd been practicing the same tune for almost a month, always messing up halfway towards the ending, but continuing on as if nothing had happened before repeating it a second, third, or even hundredth time in an attempt to get the notes right.

You never really paid much attention to him, having minimal to no conversations, keeping to yalls selves, and avoiding each other at all cost. Until that day.

He came out, saxophone in one hand, book in the other.

He was wearing basketball shorts, his black undershirt leaving your jaw almost on the ground.

His arms were well defined, his body lean yet still fluffy.

Just your type.

He still had his nerdy thick framed glasses on, ones you suspected weren't prescribed, but you never had the guts to say anything about it.

He placed his book down on the dining table momentarily, grabbing an apple off the food tray before sticking it in his mouth and biting down.

Once he knew it was secure he picked up his book and turned around, making his way to his room without once looking up at you.


You didn't say anything however, the noise of his room coming back up only seconds after he closed the door to his room, every two minutes subsiding before continuing on where ever it left off.

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