October 28 2017

27 0 0

I'm very frustrated with Désirée because any time I try and figure out what is going on with us and why she's been so rude she turns it on me. "Well why are you like this" "why do you do that" and so on and it's really frustrating because I'm trying to fix this not have to defend myself. Now she wants to sort this out in person and if she gets physical I'll have no issue hitting her back. I don't want it to get to that though. She's supposed to be my best friend and we've been nothing but dicks but every time we say we're cool she says something rude to me and blames it on me. I don't know what to do! I'm thinking that if I write out what I want to say to her so I look prepared and like I really care on Monday because I do. I'm not sure if we'll still be friends after this but I am so close to being done with her. I'm going to ask Aurora and Martina who's in the wrong since I know they won't pick sides and I know that they know what's going on.

" I want to say sorry for bringing it up this weekend but it either needs to get sorted out or we need to get over it. I get you don't see where you went wrong and I feel the same way I don't understand half the things you're accusing me of. If it's okay I'm going to say what I'm having a problem with with no filter at all. (Okay) so recently you've been extremely rude with the way you've been talking and acting towards me so I wanted to distance myself and not have to listen to the stuff you're saying because it frustrated me and made me feel like shit. (I'm assuming she's going to deny it) hey. I'm going to listen to your side too but I want to be completely honest so this shit doesn't happen again. I don't care how many times you tell me it's a joke some things are just plain rude and I don't like it. Especially when you talk in that cocky tone. Now what do you think I did wrong" (or whatever she says to that)

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