November 15 2018

13 0 0

He doesn't seem to care but like it's cool you know? I'm just sad and I wished that someone, preferably him, cared but it's fine you know. Oh well. I'm a stupid attention whore who gets stretched too attached quickly and fucks everything up because I'm shy. I hate that. I'm going to ruin everything and I want to scream. I hate myself. I hate myself so much and I feel so alone. I wish I had someone who I could openly talk to about my feelings and not feel as if I'm being annoying, pissing them off or causing problems in any way to them. I try and be that person for other people but I don't get it in return... it's fine though cause who gives a shit? Literally no one. That's why I'm still alone. I felt like this book would help me find someone who cared or at least pretended to in hopes of trying to help me out or something but when I trunk about it that really is selfish. Not in a sarcastic, woe is me type thing I seriously think that I'm selfish for wanting someone to listen to my problems. So I make it your choice lol. Anyways oh well life is tough. There has got to be billions of people who have it worse than me so it doesn't matter. I don't matter and neither do my problems.

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