March 24 2018

16 0 0

no one listens to me or cares what I have to say it's just like hey. what should i do? i like this boy but three of them like me and this guy doesn't want to date me because he says i'm the one he wants to marry and blah blah blah. the next day it's the same shit. i hate people and i hate myself. I just want to find the right goddamn person for me. like yeah I have some awesome friends and I have some friends who make me want to run away but who cares how I feel cause none of them really do care, except the few who know what im talking about. those few are probably the only people who listen to me, or actually read this. I dont understand why people dont like me. all of my friends here have either a boyfriend or someone interested in them and then im just here, no one sees me, no one cares. I just want someone to make me feel special and like people love me. is that too much to ask? I mean I guess so since if it wasn't I wouldnt be like this. im sorry I just want to scream but dont want to annoy my friends and if you're reading this im sorry for annoying you but thank you.

RantsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora