December 27 2017

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So all of today sucked. I woke up this morning expecting that we were going to go out and adopt a dog and thats where it got bad. our van got a flat yesterday and it was supposed to get fixed today but the tow trick broke down and didn't come until super late. And the driveway was full of snow so my mom asked her boyfriend to shovel but he got upset and stayed downstairs all day.

Then my mom booked me an appointment to get my nose pierced and I was so excited. Super fucking pumped. But the thing is my dad didn't want me to actually do it because he doesn't understand why I want it but I want it because I think it would look nice on me not to rebel against him. He told me it was fine a while ago and now he says he doesn't want me to get one but he doesn't want to say no to me. (I asked if a septum piercing was okay and he send me a picture of a bull with the hoop and I just said I guess so.) and I just don't want to disappoint him at all because now I have a baby sister and she's perfect and can't do anything wrong because she's an infant. ((The other day she was crying in the truck and he told me to see what was wrong and I had to turn on my flashlight since it was dark and he yelled at me because I think he was thinking I was just going on my phone but he never yells at me and never has.) and he says that in 5 months (my birthday) he says that I can get it done but im still mad.

Lastly for now. I made a new friend this year and she's super nice and I love hanging around her since she's really funny and sweet but she's friends with a girl I used to be friends with but now we can't stand each other so I don't get to talk to her as much and she's leaving to move back with her mom after this school year an im really upset because im going to miss her more than if she were to leave after this semester since ill know her better by then and blah blah blah.

Horrible day hope anyone reading this had a better day than me. 

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