April 13 2018

10 0 0

i hate myself so goddamn much i don't understand. i hate everything there is to me. thing is, it doesn't matter. i'm just a teenager it's a phase. i'll be fine. i'll get over it. and i have 'no reason' to hate myself. i'm 'happy' with my body and i don't have to worry about discrimination. why on earth would i hate myself this much??? because i'm repulsive and people actually hate me. i ruin things and people leave me for no reason. is that a good reason? i think so. i just hate myself and sometimes i want to end it but for some reason i keep thinking things will get better but i keep making them worse. how wonderful right? i wish i had good friends where i live who make me want to wake up in the morning and not just forget about me or make me feel second best or leave me out. i want friends who make me feel like i belong but Oh My Lord is that ever a lot to ask for especially when you're a stupid and unattractive person like me

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