March 18, 2019

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miss me? my whole two readers haha. anyways things haven't been getting better at all i just haven't had time to type out all my shit. bit today i really just feel like i can't do anything right. i'm pissing off my closest friend and he is trying to distance himself because i'm being rude and he doesn't want us to fight and i'm glad but i love talking to him and i hate that i messed that up too. i think that i should just go back to being passive and not speaking my mind about things because i messed up less then. i just feel so dumb and shit over wanting to talk about what's going on in my life or how i'm scared. people are just giving me advice (which i appreciate) but right now i jus want someone to be there for me, hold me and tell me that i can do it and it's all going to be okay but no one will. the people here want me to face me problem or they want to give me advice which i guess is helpful but i just need a good hug and a cry right now. i just want one i guess i don't need it really but i'm sure it would be nice. anyways i'm fucking done

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2019 ⏰

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