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spring, friday, 6am, bedroom

My alarm ring tone blared through my ears. It was too happy of a tone for me to change it. But it held a dirty secret, time; it was 6am. Mom's continuous coughs had woken me up a few hours back, but I gave her some NyQuil and she was out like a light. Now it was my younger brother's turn. I sighed, shutting off my alarm. I walked to my 9 year old brother's room, letting myself in. He slept so wild.

"Nano," I said, lightly shaking him. "Nano it's time to wake up. You gotta get to school, Nano." I shook him harder, knowing he couldn't hear me.

He opened his eyes, looking around. He sat up, stretching, no sound leaving him. He only had his boxers, walking to the bathroom. He was compatible as a younger brother. I realized that he had forgot his hearing devices on his dresser.

He probably wants it silent.

I walked to the kitchen, putting the frozen waffles in the toaster and taking the turkey bacon out of the freezer. I put it in the skillet, then walking back to Mom's room. I opened her door slightly. She was sleeping, but her nose was running. I took a tissue out of the tissue box wiping her nose. I tossed it into the trash can.

I heard the sizzling of the bacon, knowing they were ready. The waffles had popped out, startling me. I turned off the skillet and unplugged the toaster. I put the waffles and bacon on a plate, pouring syrup on the waffles, not too much, and not too little.

I simply ate an apple as Nano walked in, fully dressed. He ate at the counter like me. He's written to me that he's wanted to be just like me. I've always told him how I've wanted him to have better than that.

My 2nd alarm blared, Nano finishing his breakfast right on time. He walked to his room as I walked to mine. The bus was going to be here in 3 minutes to pick him up. I walked back to the kitchen before he left out the back door. He had his aids on with his headphones playing his Misfit music. I stopped him.

"Come right inside once the bus drops you off." He nodded.

"The extra batteries to your hearing aids are in the little pocket in your bag." He nodded.

"Text me if you need anything. I'll pick you up. Is your phone fully charged?" he nodded several times. I nodded back. He still had his straight face from this morning.

"I love you. See you later. Gimme hug." He hugged me, kissing my nose like he always did before we departed. I ruffled his curls before he ran off to the bus stop right before his approached. I watched as it lurched away as soon as he sat down in the first seat.

Now it was my turn to get myself ready.

I walked back in the house, back to my room. Mine was the largest in the house, I needed space for my unfinished paintings. I pulled out of the many pairs of black sweatpants I had stored in my closet. I found a crisp white t-shirt with 'Gambino' on it, throwing it on. I heard shifting in the next room. I threw on some blue Converse, grabbing my book bag. I quickly checked it ... school supplies, Nano's backup hearing aids, lady products, sketchbook, Mac Book Air, iPhone 5s, and my black glock. I had ammo stored on the side; it was never loaded.

I threw my camo green book bag on, walking to Mom's room. She was awake, her eyes little slits of white with dark brown in the middle.

"Nano's at school. Call if you need anything. I love you Mom. You're gettin better." She nodded as she kissed both of my cheeks, my right cheek twice. I kissed her goodbye, closing her bedroom door. I made sure the basement door was locked, Nano's bag was ready for this weekend, and that the front door was locked. The house was silent as I closed the backdoor, grabbing my penny board. It was a light blue with pink wheels.

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