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friday, 6:07am, home

I do not feel like going to school. My alarm had been ringing and it took me three minutes to turn it off. I rose up out of my bed, then I got dizzy and went back down. I exhaled and got up again. I looked around my room. The only thing out of order was my clothes thrown over the easel.

I walked to Nano's room and lightly shook him. He woke up almost instantly and hopped out of bed, running to the bathroom. I went to the kitchen and made his breakfast. While the waffles were cooking, I looked in Mom's room. She wasn't here.

I heard footsteps and Nano was soon right beside me. We looked at Mom's empty but made bed. I turned back to the kitchen when I heard his waffles beep ready.

I took Nano along with me, and he ate breakfast. I watched him eat and it made me hungry myself. I made a bowl of Frosted Flakes and ate on the counter.

My alarm rang for Nano's bus and he rinsed the remains of waffles and syrup off his plate. He got his bag and his hearing aids and put them on. He hugged me and kissed me on the nose.

"Bye." I waved right before he ran out of the door. Out of the bay window, he smiled and waved at me. The bus just pulled up and was waiting for him. He ran outside toward the bus and hopped on. I watched it depart from our street.

I wonder why he was so excited this morning. I went back to my room and lay on my bed. I really didn't feel like going to school today. It wasn't me being tired, I just didn't feel like going to school.

So I guess I would skip today. I could work on the painting of Mom Bianca destroyed, I could go shopping, and hang out at the mall.

I decided to paint first and got my phone. I took my speakers out and played some music. I pulled up the picture of Mom I ha on my phone and began to draw, sketch, and paint it.


It was a little bit past noon and I had finished the painting. It took me a while because I get distracted easily. I also took a 3 hour nap.

Denim, on the other hand, was constantly texting me, being bipolar. First he was asking me where I was and what I was going to do, then he was scolding me on skipping school, next he's saying he would've skipped with me. Wow Denim.

I heard the front door open and keys jingle. I went to the front and Mom was closing the door. I gulped when she turned around and saw me.

"Drew why aren't you at school?" She gave me a confused look.

"I was tired and I didn't feel like going."

"Do you at least know what you're doing in class?" She asked.

"I finished a painting for Art, and we're not doing anything else."

She sighed. "Then I guess you're fine. How was your date?" She change the subject pretty quickly.

"It wasn't a date, Mom." She laughed a little. "But it was good. I liked the movie and Nano loved it. How about yours?"

"AH-MAY-ZING!" She sung. I laughed and she sat down on the couch. "Did you know Ray could dance? Like, really dance? And then we went roller skating, and I kicked his ass. It was the most fun I've had in years." She happily sighed, laying down on the couch.

"I'm glad you had fun. I might go shopping today, too. You wanna come with?"

"Actually, I'm extremely tired, and I want to take a nap." She declined. I shrugged and went back to my room.

"Is that me?"

I turned around and Mom was looking in my room at the easel. The painting was her, indeed.

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