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wednesday, 10pm, home

Denim specifically was blowing up my phone. IT had been my third day locked in the house, and I could tell he was freaking out.

He was calling, trying to FaceTime, texting me, and messaging me on social media. I just sat on my bed and watched my phone buzz with excitement. I thought it was hilarious and cute, laughing at certain times.

Then I heard a car pull up, even from the back of the house in my room. Nano and Mom always complimented me on my good hearing. I walked to the front and peeped out the window. Denim's car was parked in the driveway, and I heard the locks turn and Denim was in my living room.

"How did you get in here?" I crossed my arms.

Denim held his keys up. "My parents made spared with your mom's key. The August's have one too."

"Well, what are you doing here?" I leaned up against the arm of the couch. The shades were drawn, and it was very dark.

"I came to check on you since you didn't answer your phone. And my parents wanted to talk to you." He sat.

Denim drive me to his house, and not once did he ask me about my mother. I was quiet the entire ride, and I just picked at the fabric of my plaid pajama pants. I was wearing a white muscle tee and my hair was on the top of my head. I wasn't properly dressed, and I didn't really care.

The front door was open, and Denim told his parents that we were here.

"Good. Good." I heard Rashaad say. He said I could call him Rashaad. "How are you?"


I wasn't lying. I was still sad but I wasn't grieving anymore. It didn't take me a long time to get over things like this. With Mom it took a little longer, but it's better now.

"Awesome. But what we wanted to talk to you about is that we think you need to get away from here for a few days." Alicia smiled.

"We got you a trip to Monaco." Rashaad said. "And for your safety, Denim has to come with you. We have to work the days you'll be gone."

I gasped and covered my mouth. "Oh my God! Thank you so much!" I hugged them both and thanked them several more times.

"Your flight leaves at midnight. We couldn't get it any earlier or later, and this would be the shortest flight possible. 12 hours." Alicia said.

"Thank you both so much. You don't know how much this means to me." I hugged them again.

"Now go ahead and get packed. And have a great time."

We went back to my house and I packed clothes (and not my gun) for our stay and was ready to go in 15 minutes. I changed into something more comfortable, some short shorts and an American flag tank too.

"We're gonna go to a little bonfire first. It's with Berah, Cayron, Jax and them." I nodded and stayed quiet while Denim drove. It didn't take log to get to whoever's house this was. It was pretty close and near school. "It's Jax's house."

He turned the car off and we both got out. He took my hand in his, and I gladly intertwined our fingers. Denim opened the door and walked to the house. Jax's parents have it nice here.

"Don't mention his Mom."

I didn't even realize I said that last part out loud. "Why not?"

Denim opened the back door. "She walked out of him when he was five."

I nodded and outside was a vacant pools but we saw a fire past it. We walked over there and everyone was sitting a pit of fire.

"Drew!" Jax, Berah, and Cayron yelled in unison. I giggled a little and they all came over to group hug me. I hugged them back and went to go sit down. There were eight chairs, and two of them were empty, so Denim and I sat in them.

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