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I woke up and found myself in a room I couldn't identify as my own. There were several posters across the perimeter of the room: Jean-Michael Basquiat paintings, rappers such as Nas, Biggie, and Tupac, and many more paintings. The walls were painted a shade of dark blue, and the bed i was sleeping in was a king sized bed. 

Where was I?

I cautiously rose from the bed, seeing that I was dressed in the same attire as yesterday: my hoodie and some leggings. My hoodie was on the floor now, and I vaguely remember waking up in the middle in the night with someone next to me with my hoodie still on. I tried to muster up the face that I remember sleeping with, but I couldn't remember. i did remember taking off my hoodie then falling back asleep.

I found a door and exited, going out into the hallway. I went downstairs, then I immeadiately recognized the house I was in. I went into the kitchen, where the Notting family was having breakfast.

"Good morning!" I greeted happily. Alicia smiled and gave me a good morning back. Denim waved and Rashaad greeted me as well.

"After you have breakfast, Rashaad and I wanted to give you something that'll come in handy to you. So go ahead and eat up. It's bacon, eggs, and a biscuit. 

I was kind of excited for the surprise, so I sat down next to Denim and began chatting with him.

"Do you know what the surprise is?" I asked him, biting my bacon.

"Yes." He nodded, smirking. "You're gonna love it. I'm sure of it."

I quickly finished my breakfast, as I was excited to see what Denim's parents had gotten for me.

"Are you ready?" Alicia asked, obviously excited.

"Yes!" I cheered, clapping my hands. A blindfold was placed on my eyes, and it gave me chills. I could tell it was Denim, then he picked me up out of nowhere, putting me onto his back. 

"It's procedure so you don't have any idea where I'm taking you." 

I used my senses instead. I heard a door open, and Denim lowered. I couldn't hear anything besides his footsteps, then I was put down.

"You ready?"

I nodded, kind of nervous.

Denim took the blindfold off, then I opened my eyes.

They bought me a car.


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