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Monroe and I concluded that we needed to study, so she said we could study at her apartment. I was really going towards for the studying session to take place at my house, but she was really aiming for it to the place at hers.

"My mom already got some snacks for us so it should be fine."

We had already got through the week, and I was surprised that this morning I woke up with Denim, his family, our friend, Nano, and the August's in the house. I'd forgotten it was my birthday, and they had all came here to remind me. Denim bought me "Happy Birthday" balloons to hold throughout the entire day of school, causing the majority of people to wish me a happy birthday. Berth made an effort for our table at lunch to sing happy birthday to me, but that didn't go so well, so I thanked him for the effort anyways.

As we walked to her apartment door, Monroe got a call and asked if I could open the door for her. I didn't mind so I took the door keys from her and unlocked the door.

Monroe closed the door with her foot and sat down on the couch. "Yeah, we're about to study."

I called for Monroe's mom, but I was sure it was only me and her. I shrugged at where she could be; Monroe said she would be here.

She spoke on the phone for another five minutes, then she hung up. "Who was it?"

"Jax. He told us to meet at your house in two hours." She threw her phone onto the couch and walked into the kitchen where I was. She ate a mini sandwich from the sandwich tray. I questioned her on why and she said my guess was as good as hers.

My phone began to ring, and I answered right away without even checkIng the caller ID It was Berah. "Cayron, stop playing, man!" There was struggling on his side of the phone and then he finally came back. "Aye, Dre. Happy birthday." I could hear him smile.

I thanked him for the third time today and he asked if we got Jax's message. I told him we did and he said that's all we needed to know. He hung up seconds later, leaving me confused.

Meanwhile, Monroe and I studied the various subjects we both needed to do better in. I was struggling in math, I knew my grade for that was no higher than an 80 because I had made a C on the first test. It was crazy because middle school math was so easy for me, but all throughout my high school years it had been so hard to keep my grades up. I was so close to failing Math each year, and I knew that I would not be repeating the same math class the year after to try to ply catch up.

Almost two hours had passed, and I took Monroe with me to my house to see what Jax and them needed. Right when we got in the car, she texted Jax right away. And even when we got to the house, she finished texting them. She took her time to get out of the car, and I was wondering why she was being so slow. She simply shrugged her shoulders and finally made it to the door. I unlocked the door and the lights were off. It was dark so I flipped the switch up.


I jumped back into Monroe, who screamed as well. Everyone was here, Mr. & Mrs. August, Nano, Mr. Lopez, Mr. & Mrs. Notting, Cayron, Berah, Jax, Denim, and Autumn. They were crowded in the living room, and behind them was some food with a cake stored in the middle of the table.

First, presents were handed out. Nano and the August's gave me a $150 gift card to H&M, Denim, Jax, Cayron, and Berah got me a $100 gift card to Urban Outfitters, Autumn and Monroe got me four pairs of skinny jeans, and the Nottings didn't get me anything. I already had the car.

Autumn told me that for the rest of the night, we got to do whatever I wanted to do. I told her that I'd been wanting to go skating for the longest, and everyone else thought it was a good idea too. After we had all eaten a good amount of wings, salad, and pizza. Skating could burn hundreds of calories off in a matter of hours.

We took Denim's car, and all the adults stayed at the house. All of us squeezed into the car, and made our way to the skating rink. It was 9pm, so the adult skate was happening now. There were some people here, mostly teenagers much younger or a year or two younger.

I had to assist Denim skating because he was surely gonna bust his ass sooner or later. Jax was helping Monroe, Cayron was chasing Autumn around the rink, and Berah was skating alone but turning up to the good music that was playing. Soon enough he got the hang of it, and we could all skate with each other and skate in a train.

One of my favorite songs came on, No Type by Rae Sremmund, and we all began to simultaneously skate dance. Berah began to skate backwards and dance, looking at me the entire time. I laughed at him, he was a really good dancer and skater. He turned back around and kept skating. I looked around and saw Jax and Monroe laughing too hard while skating, causing both of them to fall. I laughed at them and soon enough Jax helped her get up. I shook my head and tried to find Autumn and Cayron. They were still holding hand, and Cayron pulled Autumn to his side.

After about three hours of skating, my feet were sore and the rink was reaching its closing hours. We all returned our skates and trudged our way to the car. All of our feet were sore. Autumn and Berah were fine; they'd brought their own skates.

I was kind of tired, and Denim held my left hand. "That was fun y'all. Thank you."

"It's no problem." The car spoke and Denim turned on the radio.

Best birthday party ever.

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