
21 1 0

Author note: Newly edited.

After hours of travelling, Melody had arrived at her location and she quickly made her way towards the building. Inside she glanced around before being escorted to the Feudal Lord. She stopped and bowed slightly before sitting down politely.
"You wanted to see me Feudal Lord?" She said calmly, the man in front of her waved his fan and chuckled.
"Oh wonderful! I hope you had a safe journey here." He slapped the fan shut and Melody glanced up at the man. "I have requested you." He stated, Melody raised an eyebrow. "The mission I have asked you on is to find my daughter." He sighed softly and Melody lowered her gaze, "she's been missing for six months now and I wish for you to find her."
"But with all due respect Sir, why did you pick me?" Melody asked, the Feudal Lord stepped up and walked over to Melody placing a hand on her head.
"Because she's your age... I'm hoping you will not only find her but convince her to come home." He said, Melody stood up and bowed to the Feudal Lord,
"I will not fail you." She turned on her heels before leaving to find the daughter, she stopped suddenly and blushed turning back around. "Uhh... where was she last seen?" She asked sheepishly, the Feudal Lord chuckled.
"We had last surveyed her in the Land of Mist." Melody nodded before leaving once more.

Melody had been travelling a while now and the lonely walk was being tedious. She sighed before stopping, she stared around the area and continued until her foot pressed against something. She tugged her leg forward and a snap caused her to jump.
"Oh no." She barely yelped before a cage landed on top of her, she fell to the ground and glanced at her foot. "a trip wire? I got caught by a trip wire?" She wailed in frustration, she stood up and reached her hand out, before stopping. She focused her senses and smiled, "no electricity..." She placed her hand on the cage and pushed but to no avail. She folded her arms over her chest and began to think until she heard a low chuckle.
"Looks like I caught myself a leaf ninja." Melody spun around and came face to face with her captor. "can't be very good to fall for such an easy trap." He sneered, Melody sighed and rubbed her temple.
"You got me." She said bluntly, "now let me out." She added, the man began to laugh.
"I don't think so. The Leaf think they're so mighty, but you've proven they're not. It's all talk." He leant forward resting against the cage examining her. He frowned,
"hey you're that kid? That kitten orphan?" Melody's ears pricked up and she raised an eyebrow. "The copycat ninja's orphan!" He began to roar with laughter "and you got caught by a bandit?!" He kept laughing and Melody drummed her finger nails against her arm.
"You know what. I'm going to enjoy hurting you." She hissed before placing her hands together, she summoned her chakra and a cold blast spread around the area. "Celestial Prison!" Flinging her arms out to the side, the bright light began to push the cage, splintering it apart. The man yelped and jumped back in surprise. Melody stepped out of the cage before storming forward, the man pulled put his kunai and swiped for her Melody ducked before coming up underneath him and kneeing him. He doubled over and Melody cartwheeled back before creating hand signs, she raised one hand in the air and a cloud of water began to conjure around her.
"Water style. Steam torrent." She pointed forward and the water around her spiraled towards the man, he panicked as the water began to turn to steam, causing him serve burns to his arms and legs.
"What the hell!?" He screamed in pain as Melody lowered her finger and clicked causing it to disperse, leaving him a shivering mess on the floor. Melody sighed, and picked him up before pulling out a scroll and wrapping him around a tree.
"Let's see how the authorities handle you." She beamed, the man snorted.
"Guess the kitten orphan is stronger than people thought..." She twitched before decking him in the head, knocking him out.

Melody had been moving quickly after the authorities had picked up the bandit, she was picking up Kakashi's time keeping, as she headed towards the Land of Waves until she could hear a faint yell of her name. She frowned and stopped and listened completely confused by what she was hearing she turned around and spotted a blur in front of her coming up the road.
"Mel! Mel! Melody!" Naruto skidded to a halt in front of Melody, her eyes widening as he smiled at her.
"What are you doing here?" She asked, Sasuke and Sakura ran over to her and stopped as Kakashi and an old man walked slowly over.
"We're on a mission!" Naruto said loudly, Melody nodded a little and brushed past him before stopping in front of Kakashi.
"Are you alright?" He asked, she glanced up at him feeling Naruto and Sasuke's eyes bore into her back.
"yeah, Kakashi I need help." She said, Kakashi placed his hand on her head and gave her a small smile, she craned her head to the side and looked at the old man.
"of course. Tazuna this is my... Melody." He began, Tazuna shook her hand as Naruto rested his elbow on her shoulder.
"This squirt is just as small as the loud one." Melody twitched, before Kakashi grabbed her backpack.
"I'll crush you! Let me at him!" Melody yelled, Kakashi held her back sighing softly as Naruto laughed, Sasuke rolled his eyes before stepping forward and placing his hand on her forearm, Melody stopped. "So, what are you doing here?" Her previous anger disappearing quickly,
"Our mission is to help the bridge builder. What's your mission?" Kakashi explained, Melody turned back to Kakashi.
"To find, the Feudal Lords daughter." Naruto slung his arm around her neck and punched the air.
"Let's get going!" He yelled as the six began their travels through the land. Melody spoke quietly to Sasuke as they went, Naruto ever so slightly running on ahead scanning the area.
"So what's happened so far?" Melody asked, Sasuke shrugged his shoulders,
"some Chunin guys attacked us, Naruto got hurt. Then stabbed himself. Kakashi showed up and showed off... how about you?" He asked with a slight smirk on his face, Melody raised an eyebrow and knocked her hip into him.
"That's just rude... I was attacked too actually... handled it. All. By. Myself." She teased,
"Show off." Sasuke snorted however stopped as Naruto threw a kunai into the bushes, everyone's jaw dropped in horror.
"It was just a mouse." Naruto stated standing up, Melody blinked and turned to Sasuke as Sakura pointed her finger at Naruto before beginning to yell at him. Sasuke shook his head as Kakashi held up his hands,
"Naruto those are Kunai knives! They're dangerous." He said, Melody turned to the bridge builder who was shaking before he too began yelling at Naruto, Melody leant over to Sasuke.
"Does everyone yell at him like this?"
"Pretty much..."
"I thought it was just Iruka." She added as she watched Naruto carefully, he began running around looking for people. Melody exhaled and glanced around, she frowned a little as she caught Kakashi's there's-trouble- look.
"Over there!" Naruto threw another kunai and Sakura stalked over to him before hitting his head. "But there is something there!" Kakashi headed over to the bush and glanced over as Melody and Sasuke engaged in their own conversation guarding the bridge builder.
"You almost hit a rabbit!" Sakura screamed.
"You guys are hilarious." Melody said chuckling.
"I take it, you, Kaiya and Clay aren't like this." Sasuke nudged her shoulder and she shook her head.
"Nope." She stopped talking as her gaze turned to Kakashi, she bit her lip and lowered her hand down to her kunai pouch.
"Look out!" Kakashi turned back around as a sword spun towards the group, Sasuke, Melody, Naruto and Sakura dropped to the floor. The sword cut into the tree, and a man appeared standing on it. Kakashi jumped back up and the group followed staring up at the man, Sasuke stepped slightly in front of Melody and she blinked but stayed focused on the enemy. She took in their surroundings and could visibly see Naruto shaking as he glanced back at Sasuke.
"We don't have time for your rivalry Naruto." She thought, placing her hands on her back as Sasuke continued to stare up at the man on the sword. She watched Sasuke, as Kakashi stepped forward.
"Well if it isn't Zabuza Momochi, rogue ninja from the village hidden in the Mist."
I'm not going to lose to Sasuke!
Melody frowned and touched her forehead, before shaking off and staring up at Kakashi. Naruto ran forward until Kakashi's hand shot out.
"You're in the way, get back."
"But why?"
"He's not like those other ninja... he's in a whole other league. Melody come here." He ordered, Melody side stepped around Sasuke and gave his hand a gentle squeeze before heading to Kakashi pulling out her Kunai knife from Anko, her arms crossing her body bracing her kunai knives. Kakashi raised his eye mask, revealing to team Seven his eye. A low growl of a voice began to speak,
"Kakashi of the sharingan eye... and Kakashi's orphan kitten." Melody glared up at Zabuza, "did I get that right?" He asked, Melody's eyes travelled to Sasuke, he had no idea about Kakashi, a part of her gulped feeling guilty however her head began to ache once more. "It's too bad you have to hand over the old man." The wind blew across and Melody could hear her bell ting in her hair.
"Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura! Manji formation. Stay out of this fight, I taught you team work. Now use it. Melody this is not your mission but stay on your guard, he'll be after you too." He stated quickly, the group moved into position and Melody jumped behind Tazuna. Zabuza turned around, his mouth covered in bandages, his muscles flexing without his shirt. Naruto turned to everyone,
"What's sharingan!?" Melody opened her mouth to talk however stopped as Sasuke began.
"Sharingan, a rare power that resides in the eyes. The user of this visual jutsu, or dojutsu can instantly see and comprehend any ninjitsu, genjutsu and taijutsu and reflect the attack back. Sharingan is a special and rare form..." Sasuke trailed off and Melody turned to Naruto.
"Kakashi is able to do all that and more, with training it can get stronger... but there's also limits..." She glanced at Kakashi who gave a slight shake of the head. Melody's eyes closed as she felt a pain in her head as Zabuza began to talk.
It's a rare trait that only occurs in a few Uchiha... could he be?
Melody snapped to attention as Zabuza mentioned her name, he glared down at her.
"And you, the kitten. I want to see just what you're capable of, see if you're as good as the rumours are starting to say about you. I doubt it." Zabuza eyed her, she didn't answer. "well Kakashi looks like I go through you first." He disappeared and reappeared on the water. The water flowed up and around him before the mist began to settle into the area, leaving them all with a thick fog, and unable to see Zabuza. Melody glanced around, trying her best to slow her heartbeat. She closed her eyes focusing on sensing the chakra around her as Kakashi explained who Zabuza was. She could feel team seven's chakra and Kakashi, but suddenly her snapped open as a gruff voice spoke.
"eight points. Larynx, spine, lungs, liver, jugular, subclavian artery, kidney's, heart. Now which will be my attack point."
Melody turned around and raised her kunai, Zabuza's chakra intense and hungry to kill, Kakashi suddenly created an intense burst of chakra, pushing away most of the fog around them causing Melody to sigh in relief until she could feel the panic within Sasuke, his kunai shaking in his hand.
"Sasuke..." She began,
"Sasuke! Calm down, I'll protect you with my life. All of you. I will I will not allow my comrade to die. Trust me." He smiled back at them, his eyes closed. Sasuke relaxed until Zabuza appeared between, Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto and the bridge builder. Melody quickly twirled on her feet as Kakashi turned towards the group. Melody grabbed the bridge builder and pulled him back throwing them both to the floor, as Kakashi moved between the genin and Zabuza. Melody blinked standing up watching Kakashi and Zabuza, attack one another. Her panic rising, as Kakashi was sliced through. She shook her head, and gripped her kunai, there was no way Kakashi would lose here. The two halves of Kakashi turned to a water clone, and Kakashi was behind Zabuza, knife to his throat. Melody smiled, however it was short lived as Zabuza began to laugh.

Melody wobbled as the two began to talk, her head began to ache and she lowered her hand, Tazuna placed a hand on her shoulder,
"are you ok?"
"Yeah... did you say something?" Melody asked Tazuna frowned at her in confusion, until Sakura screamed out. Melody turned eyes widening as Kakashi was kicked through the air and into the water. Zabuza appeared behind Kakashi.
"Water prison jutsu." Zabuza was stood holding Kakashi in a prison, Melody's jaw dropped. "So much for the great Kakashi. Now... the kitten." Melody's head shot up, as Sasuke stared over at her. Melody shook her head and stepped away from Tazuna. "Water clone jutsu." Another Zabuza appeared. "you think wearing a headband makes you a ninja? When you've hovered between life and death so many times it doesn't faze you. Maybe then you can be considered ninja. When your names in my bingo book, then I'll consider you ninja. But to call upstarts like you ninja." He threw shuriken at Melody and she knocked all of them away, her breath coming in short bursts as her head thumped.
"NARUTO!" Naruto was kicked through the air and hit the floor hard, Melody's eyes widened, as she ran forward but stopped as she felt another presence. Zabuza stood on the headband.
"Listen get the bridge builder and run you can't win this fight! Melody take them and go." He eyed her carefully but she shook her head eyes widening, until a young girl slashed past Melody and her eyes widened as the ground where the girl had passed exploded. Sasuke turned his head his eyes widening.
"Melody!" He yelled, the auburn-haired girl reappeared gasping for breath as she glanced around until her eyes landed on the girl with a mask. She wore long black boots, her body clad in black, a floating black skirt, long sleeved black halter neck top, with purple accents all over. Her gloves showed off her perfect manicure. Naruto lay on the ground shaking, as Melody faced the masked ninja.
"Naruto! Sasuke! I can keep them here!" Melody explained as her kunai clashed against the masked kid, "Go!" Sasuke shook his head before running forward throwing shuriken at Zabuza.
"I'm your enemy." The masked kid whispered, Melody ducked as she watched her friend got kicked back,
"Sasuke!" She yelled as she kicked the masked kid away from her. Her heart pounded in her chest, Kakashi had been caught, Sasuke was hurt, Naruto and Sakura had frozen. She bit her lip drawing blood. "What do I do... What do I do?!"

Yo Winter speaking!
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