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"Princess?" Kaiya whispered softly, Clay frowned a little and stepped closer to the railing as the blonde girl walked over to the Hokage. Her new leaf ninja headband, sat comfortably on her thigh. Melody hurried to the blonde girl as everyone stared intently at the two.
"Hokage I would like to try and fight this match... I know what I did was wrong, but father will be here to watch the matches, I would like to help... my hero become a Jonin." She turned to Melody and gave her a wink, Melody blushed and lowered her gaze as the Hokage thought for a moment.
"I don't see the harm... Alright Yaya, you may participate in this preliminary. But Melody be warned if you lose, Princess Yaya will go on to become Chunin." Melody nodded taking up her position as Yaya stood opposite her. Kakashi stood closer to the railing, as Naruto hopped from foot to foot grabbing the rails.
"Come on Mel!" He cheered, Shikamaru sighed but nodded.
"He might be annoying but... don't lose this Mel." He said, Chouji waited at the back with Asuma silently as they waited for Hayate to say start.
"Alright." Hayate looked between the two girls "if it looks like I need to step in I will." Yaya grinned, Melody inhaled and gulped before readying herself.

"I wonder how good she is." Kankuro smirked, Temari folded her arms.
"She's still a little kid."
Gaara frowned and gripped his arm tightly as he gazed at the auburn-haired girl. Yaya and Melody stood opposite one another, Yaya pulled out two swords and Melody gulped.
"Begin." Hayate said, Melody stepped back as Yaya raced forward swinging her swords straight at Melody's head. Melody's eyes widened.
"MELODY!" Naruto yelled almost throwing himself over the rails. Kakashi grabbed his waist and yanked him back. Melody raised her leg and brought it down stepping on one of the swords before grabbing Yaya's arm and catapulting herself away from Yaya. She stumbled to a stop and turned back around only to gasp as Yaya was in front of her swinging both swords again, Melody ducked underneath and kicked her leg out sending Yaya to the floor. Melody backed away, regaining distance between the two.

Suddenly both girls sprung to life, throwing weapon after weapon and locking themselves in a fist fight before springing apart and repeating the process, again and again. Melody grunted in annoyance.
"This isn't working..." She thought, as Yaya lashed out at her again. "I can't use steam torrent I don't want to burn her... I can't really use smoke cannon, kinda want my friends to watch me." She sighed as Yaya pulled back from Melody and grinned evilly.
"Lightning style, Ion cannon!"
"She uses lightning?!" Kakashi leant forward, Naruto and Sakura gasped. Yaya poked out her tongue as she used her sword cutting a circle of lightning in the air before shoving her hand forward through it, sending a circle of lightning at Melody.
"Woah that's so cool!" Melody gushed, "why didn't you use that on- AH!" She covered her face as the circle passed through her shocking her entire body. Melody screamed before hitting the floor her body spasming.
"Mel!" Shikamaru yelled, Melody groaned before staggering to her feet, she shook her hand by her side her fingers twitching. Yaya grinned,
"not bad Melody." Yaya pulled out her second sword once more and ran forward.

Melody blocked attack after attack. She grunted as Yaya slammed her foot into her side. She stumbled and Yaya grinned.
"What? You think I'm totally over getting my arse handed to me at the land of waves? I think not. What better way to do this than in front of everyone." Yaya muttered. Melody growled clenching and unclenching her fists.
"This is a joke, right?" Shikamaru murmured "does Yaya really want to hurt Melody?" He asked turning his head to Asuma, Gai and Kakashi.
"From what we know, Princess Yaya has changed. But she still must be bitter about two of her... friends dying." Kakashi explained his voice showing no emotion. Naruto and Sakura glanced up.
"Shouldn't we stop her then?" Sakura asked, "I mean surely if she hurts Melody she should be sent out of the village?"
"The child just wants to let go of some steam." Asuma added, "afterall not one of you have been that nice to the Princess."
The Genin all looked at Asuma, guilt running through them before they focused back on the match. Melody rubbed her hand across her forehead before sighing.
"Water style steam torrent." Melody ground out, she pointed forward and the water around her spiraled towards Yaya, she blinked as the water slowly turned to steam. Yaya let out a scream of agony as she pulled her arm away from the steam, burns appearing on her flesh.
"Ow! What the hell Melody that kinda hurt!" She whined, Melody shrugged her shoulders.
"Well you did kind of hit me with lightning."
"I know shocking wasn't it." Yaya said dryly, Melody rolled her eyes.

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