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Author update: New chapter!


Shikamaru, Chouji and Melody finally made it to the interrogation unit. Melody frowned and knocked on the door, stepping back a little as Chouji opened another packet of crisps. The door opened and Ibiki stood there with an unreadable expression until his eyes landed on Melody.
"Ah, it's you... the Third said you'd be coming." He turned on his heels and went back inside the door slamming shut on their faces.
"Well that was weird." Shikamaru muttered, Melody shrugged her shoulders, all but used to Ibiki's odd behavior. The door reopened and Ibiki was stood with a young blonde haired girl, she was staring at the floor.
"Here she is, she's quite interesting." Ibiki gave Melody a look which made her frown but nodded all the same before reaching her hand forward.
"Hi Princess." Yaya's head shot up before her eyes widened and she threw her arms around Melody's neck.
"You came for me!" She cried happily, Chouji and Shikamaru's jaws dropped in surprise. Ibiki sighed and rubbed his head.
"Yeah... have fun with her." He closed the door and Melody staggered back prying the girl's hands off her.
"Uh, hi again." Melody responded, Yaya smiled a little until she spotted Shikamaru and Chouji her eyes narrowed and a sneer graced her lips.
"Who're they?" She muttered in disgust, Shikamaru scoffed as Melody went back to her previous position, being attached to Shikamaru's arm.
"This is Shikamaru Nara and Chouji Akimichi." Melody explained Shikamaru didn't respond as Chouji waved a little. Yaya folded her arms and raised her nose to the sky.
"Whatever." The trio glanced warily at one another before they began their tour of the village. Once they had got to the centre they stopped and looked around,
"where should we take her?" Melody asked, Shikamaru shrugged his shoulders, Chouji frowned until he clapped his hands together.
"Let's go visit some food places, gotta eat right here in the village." He announced, Yaya wrinkled her nose.
"No. that's disgusting." She replied causing Chouji to snort in annoyance.
"You gotta eat."
"Not commoner food..." they both stood close glaring at one another,
"Got a problem with food?"
"I have a problem with you Akimichi! How can you eat so much you-" Melody stepped between them holding up her arms.
"Enough! Let's go see the academy..." She said simply Shikamaru and Chouji nodded in agreement.

After what seemed like years to Shikamaru and Chouji the group had finally stopped, they had been nearly everywhere, with the Princess complaining, whining and making snide comments about nearly everything in the village, much to everyone's annoyance. Yaya was stood with her arms folded staring at the Hokage faces.
"So that kid wanted to be Hokage?" She asked, turning a little to look at Melody, "You get a face put on that rock?"
"Uh, Naruto... he does yeah. Only if you become a Hokage can your face be put up there." She explained, Yaya looked back up at the faces an unreadable expression on her face until she turned back to the trio.
"Okay where to now?"
Shikamaru and Chouji shook their heads before placing a hand on either Melody's shoulders.
"We love to stay but this whole thing has been troublesome... So, I'm out. See you Melody. Bye Princess." He added before walking off, Chouji nodded.
"Catch ya later Melody! It's been... nice Princess." Chouji wandered off with Shikamaru as Melody was left alone with the Princess. Yaya grinned before attaching herself to Melody's arm.
"I'd thought they'd never leave." She smirked, Melody rolled her eyes, as they began walking together.
"I think I liked you better when you were trying to kill me..." Melody humored causing Yaya to giggle.

They headed to the training grounds and sparring in front of them were Kaiya and Clay, they jumped apart panting and sweating as the two walked up to them. Clay was the first to spot them and lowered his kunai knife.
"Oh hey," he said greeting Melody who gave him a smile, Kaiya placed her sword in her belt running over to Melody before hugging her.
"It's been ages!" She giggled until her eyes landed on Yaya. "who is she?" Kaiya asked innocently, Clay came up and placed his arm on Kaiya's shoulder. Melody waved her hand between the three.
"Clay and Kaiya this is Princess Yaya the Feudal Lord's daughter." She said quickly Yaya raised an eyebrow and put her hand on her hip as Kaiya folded her arms.
"Okay, so Princess, enjoying it in the Leaf?" Kaiya asked a false smile on her lips, Yaya shrugged.
"It's fine. The restaurants are awful and the people aren't that great." She closed her eyes "and from what I can see the shinobi aren't that great either."
Clay raised an eyebrow and looked over at Melody with a is-this-girl-for-real look, Melody grimaced and shrugged a few times.
"Oh really from what we heard you were beaten by Melody, and both of us are on her team so we're just as good." Kaiya snickered, Yaya opened her eyes glaring at Kaiya.
"Oh..." She stepped closer folding her arms over her chest, "could have fooled me." A silence washed over the four of them until Yaya turned on her heels "where are we off to now Melody?" Melody was about to respond but quickly turned around grabbing Kaiya by the waist as Clay gripped her arms holding them above her head.
"Let me kill her!" She raged glaring at Yaya's back, Clay shook his head in exasperation.
"Great another crazy head." He thought as they tried to get Kaiya under control.

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