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Melody stared down at her friend, grinning.
"Come on Shika."
"Naruto you jerk." Shikamaru thought, Melody began dodging as the crowd began throwing stuff at Shikamaru. "I'm just the warm up for the second main event. They are here for Sasuke..."
"What you gonna give up as well?" Temari asked, Melody glanced back at Temari, as Shikamaru glanced at everyone. Melody bent down and poked his cheek.
"Come on Shika, gonna let a girl beat ya?" She asked, Shikamaru tilted his head back and glanced at Temari. "She will beat you... is that what you want?" Melody asked again grinning happily as everyone around them continued to shout. Temari slammed her fan into the ground.
"Come on Shikamaru are you gonna get going sometime this year?!" Naruto yelled down, Melody glanced up before back at Shikamaru.
"I should get going." She muttered but stopped as she heard Temari's voice pipe up.
"Well, if you won't move I will." She picked up her fan and charged forward, Melody's eyes widened before she jumped up. She landed on the railing and wobbled, Naruto's eyes widneed.
"Mel!" She fell backwards with a squeak and Naruto and Melody fell to a heap on the floor.

"Hey I didn't start the match yet!" Genma said, Shikamaru sighed.
"I forgot, this one's a spunky one. I hate spunky." Shikamaru rolled up as Temari jumped up, swinging her fan back before smacking it down onto the ground, sending a shock wave around the arena. Melody and Naruto scrambled to their feet and glanced down, Kankuro giving them a weird look.

Melody smiled cheering happily as Shikamaru was above Temari standing on his two kunai knives, staring down at Temari.
"It doesn't make a whole lot of difference to me if I become Chunin or not. I guess Melody is right, I shouldn't let myself get beaten by a female." He smirked, Temari growled up at him. "So, let's do it." He said, Temari pulled her fan back and swung it open sending the wind directly at Shikamaru. Melody and Naruto both gasped in unison. The dust cleared, and Shikamaru had moved. Naruto glanced around.
"Where is he?"
"In the trees." Melody answered, Naruto nodded as Temari hid behind her fan. Naruto tapped Melody's shoulder.
"So what's he doing?" He asked, Melody raised an eyebrow as Kankuro glanced at her.
"Oh..." Melody stared down at her friend, she shrugged her shoulders. "he's..." She felt her cheeks heat up as she began to read Shikamaru's mind.
Sometimes. I wish I was a cloud.
Melody licked her bottom lip an unamused smile gracing her lips.
"He's definitely thinking up a stragey to beat her." Melody answered her eye twitching as she lied to Naruto, Naruto nodded a proud expression on his face, as Melody watched him stare at the clouds. " are so weird." She thought, as she stopped reading his blank mind. She rested her chin against the railing, "I wonder if Yaya and Kaiya are having fun?" She whispered, glancing over at the spectators seats.

Yaya and Kaiya giggled, as they watched the match.
"Do you think he can win this?" Yaya asked as Chouji arrived and sat down with the girls.
"I doubt it." He replied, Ino scoffed.
"He's your teammate, sure he's not got the drive but if it wasn't for him we wouldn't have made it through the second round. Or any round that is." Ino said, Kaiya watched as the match continued, kind of. She watched as Shikamaru sat staring up at the sky.
"The thing is Shikamaru is smarter then Melody, but unlike Melody he's lazy... it's probably why they work quite well together." Kaiya explained, Ino nodded.
"I couldn't agree more there." Ino said, watching her teammate. Yaya glanced down, folding her arms.
"Well at least Melody's match was captivating. Even if Clay tried to kill her." She said her eyes narrowing, Sakura, Ino, Chouji and Kaiya stared at the blonde princess.
"He wasn't trying to kill her... just win a match." Kaiya justified, Yaya raised an eyebrow but said nothing, turning her attention back to the match. Ignoring Ino and Chouji bicker about Shikamaru's enthusiasm.

Shikamaru stood up, he smirked. Temari growled and pulled up her fan and swung it back.
"Ninja art. Wind sythe jutsu!" The blast of wind hit the trees and Shikamaru, it blew across the stands and Yaya held her hand up across her face as Shikamaru's shadow sprung out of the dust cloud and went for Temari. Her eyes widened, and she sprung backwards, further and further out of Shikamaru's reach. Melody blinked staring between the two of them as Temari dragged her closed fan through the dirt making a line. Naruto tapped her on the shoulder and Melody glanced at him.
"Oh right, shadows... so he can use shadow's in the shadow of things." She explained frowning at her terrible explanation. "But there is a limit..." She turned her attention back to a panting Shikamaru.
"No matter how far you stretch it, there's a limit to how far it can go. Isn't that right?" Temari sneered, Shikamaru chuckled.
"You got me." He replied, Melody rolled her eyes. Her eyes flickered around as Shikamaru stared back up at the clouds, she drummed her fingers across the railings as Shikamaru placed his fingers together, creating a circle as he closed his eyes. Melody felt another tap on her shoulder, she shot round.
"Dude, quit tapping me!" She said, Naruto's eyes widened in surprise as she chuckled. "I'll just explain... Shika... likes to take things slow and because of that he's somehow developed a habbit where he does that." She pointed down to Shikamaru and his weird handsign. "And it means he's thinking." She said, she smiled slightly "and it also means he knows how to beat her." She stayed quiet as Naruto raised an eyebrow.
"Seriously Mel, you know way too much about Shikamaru..." Naruto pouted, Melody punched his shoulder gently smiling. "You both are weird."
"Speak for yourself." She smirked, earning a grin from Naruto.

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