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"made it just in time." Ibiki announced, Kankuro headed back to his seat. "These rules are unique to question ten. Try not to let them frighten you." Ibiki eyed everyone. "Rule number one. Each of you are free to be given the final question. It's your decision." Everyone began muttering under their breath as Melody sat up.

"So what's the catch?!" Temari piped up "say we don't wanna do it? What happens then?"
"If you chose not to take the tenth question, regardless of your answers for the other nine you'll get a zero. In other words, you fail." Ibiki smirked, Melody shook her head flicking the pencil on her desk back and forth. "And that means of course your teammates fail as well." He stated, everyone began chatting, confirming with teammates to do the question.
"Not so fast you didn't let me finish. If you do decide to take the question but answer it incorrectly you will not only fail." Melody's head shot up "you will be barred from taking the Chunin exam ever again." Ibiki roared. Kiba stood up,
"that's bull man! That's ridiculous! What kind of bogus rule is that? There are lots of people who have taken the test before." Kiba yelled, Akamaru barked after him. Ibiki chuckled deeply.
"I guess you're just... unlucky. I wasn't making the rules before but I am now. Of course, if you don't want to take it you don't have to." Ibiki's dark eyes bore into Kiba and he tensed "if you're not feeling confident by all means skip it. You can always try next year." He laughed, "now then, those who don't want to take it raise your hand. Your number will be recorded and then you're free to go." Silence washed over the room as everyone contemplated the question. Melody frowned as she her mind began racing with everyone's panic, she gripped her head as the sheer amount of panic began to overwhelm her. She gritted her teeth, closing her eyes she focused, she was not leaving this exam, as the first hand went up. Others began to follow as Melody lowered her gaze, a sadness washing over her. Her eyes widened as she spotted the hand of the familiar orange jump suit rise. Naruto's hand slammed down on the table, his eyes full of determination.
"Don't underestimate me! I don't quit and I don't run! You can act tough all you want you guys aren't gonna scare me off no way! I don't care if I get stuck as a genin for the rest of my life" He stood up "I'll still be Hokage someday!" He huffed sitting back down. Melody's jaw dropped before she smiled brightly, she rested her chin on her palm, grinning like a fool.
"That's my Naruto! Never back down!" Her smile faltered as she felt tears spring to her eyes. "You knuckleheaded ninja..."
"This decision is one that could change your life, if for any reason, you would rather quit now's your chance." Ibiki ordered Naruto smirked.
"No way I never go back on my word That's the way of the ninja." Naruto stated, Melody's eyes darted around the room, the panic in her head had been replaced with determination and confidence. Ibiki glanced at the sentinels, who nodded at him.
"Well I admire your determination if nothing else. For those of you remaining there's only one thing left to do. And that's for me to tell you..." Silence followed as Ibiki paused "you have all passed the first passed the first exam." Ibiki grinned. Kaiya's eyes widened her jaw dropping, Sakura stood up.
"Hold on! What just happened. What do you mean we passed? Where's the tenth question?!" She yelled, Ibiki grinned widely chuckling as he spoke.
"There wasn't one, not a written one at least. Your decision to stay was the answer to the tenth question."
"Wait a second! So, the other nine questions were just a waste of time? Is that what you're saying?" Temari shouted, Ibiki glanced out the window.
"No, no. Not at all. Quite the opposite the first nine questions had an overriding purpose to test your abilities to surreptitiously gather intelligence under the most adverse circumstances." Ibiki explained.
"Oh well that clears up everything." Temari sighed in confusion. Ibiki began to explain his decisions, outlining how the task was designed to test everyone's teamwork and gathering information. Melody drummed her fingers along the table, realizing she and her team were aware of how bad a situation could get, as Ibiki took off his headband. Stunned silence filled the room, as everyone gawked at his punctured wounds, and scars covering Ibiki's head. He then continued to explain that the task also required you to find the correct information as well, as misinformation could lead to death. Melody scratched the back of her head boredom setting in, as Temari asked about the tenth question again. Ibiki went on, with Melody barely listening now.
"it was a no win situation." Ibiki stated. "Those who chose the safer of two paths, those whose determination falters in the face of adversity. Those who would put their comrades lives in jeopardy by worrying about their own. Those who would save their own necks at the price of sacred honor will never be able to call themselves Chunin at least as long as I'm here." Ibiki smiled as Melody gave him a nod, "as for the rest of you, you have successfully answered the ten questions I put to you. You have earned the right to continue on to the next step. You have passed through the first gate, I hereby declare this part of the Chunin selection exam completed. There is nothing left but to wish you good luck!" Ibiki grinned, Naruto jumped up cheering and hooting.
"I did it! That's one down!"
He's a funny one that kid,
Melody tilted her head to the side before her eyes flickered to the window, just as Ibiki's did. The window smashed as a cannon ball shot in, kunai flew everywhere as a flag appeared in front of Ibiki.
"Jumped the gun as usual." Ibiki thought, Melody felt herself paling as she recognized that mesh and coat.
"HEADS UP BOYS AND GIRLS! THIS IS NO TIME TO BE CELERATING!" Anko threw her arm out "I'll be your next proctor! Anko Mitarashi, you ready for the second test?" She hissed out "Good! Then let's go follow me!" She cheered her purple hair bouncing on her head, Clay startled awake nearly falling out of his chair and yelping whilst pulling out a kunai. Everyone looks over at Clay, as Melody notes that it's the first time she's seen him blush. However, he was not the most embarrassed as Ibiki steps around the banner.
"You're early... again."
Anko began to blush and sweat as she realized her mistake.
"How many are there? Ibiki you let all these guys pass? Your test was too easy you must be getting soft." She scoffed turning on Ibiki,
"Or it could be a stronger crop of candidates this year." He stated, Anko placed her hand on her hips an evil smirk setting in.
"they sure don't look it. Trust me before I'm done with them half of them will be eliminated." Anko nodded "This is gonna be fun... especially." Anko blinked "Because. My. Team. Are. Here!" Her evil smirk was wiped off and replaced with the biggest grin ever her arms shot up in the air "YOU GUYS MADE IT!" Anko was about to leap over the desk to Melody when Ibiki coughed, Anko blushed again as Melody, Clay and Kaiya began lowering their heads and bodies into their seats in embarrassment. The evil smirk reappeared as she looked at every student in the class. "Alright you maggots have had it easy so far but it's gonna be different starting first thing in the morning. I'll let your squad leaders know where you are to meet me... dismissed." Her chocolate eyes boring into the Genin. The class grew rowdy as they all began to make their way out, Team Anko grouped together before heading back to Kakashi's for another sleepover.

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