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Hope you all enjoy!

"Hi Sand ninja." Melody smirked as the sand shinobi came to a surprised halt. Gaara glared at her as Kankuro sighed.
"Where did you come from?" Kankuro asked, Melody rocked back on her heels.
"Around, glad you guys made it through." She said, a low yelp caused them to look around, Kiba was hurrying towards her.
"No, no, no. He'll kill you Mel. No, no." Kiba gently took her by the wrist and dragged her away shaking his head. Melody blinked but let him pull her away. "You are way too nice Melody." Melody raised her arm up and began waving.
"Bye sand ninja!"

Temari folded her arms, as Kankuro stared after the auburn haired girl as she disappeared to the arena.
"So, she's something..." He muttered, Temari nodded as Gaara watched her disappear before the trio began walking to the middle of the arena.
"She's a Chunin right? She's that purple haired lady's student. What's her name?" Temari asked coming to a stop. Kankuro frowned as he tapped his chin.
"Her names Melody." Gaara murmured glaring after the girl talking with her teammates. Kankuro and Temari exchanged glances.
"I see." Temari rolled her eyes before glancing around the rest of the arena.
"Melody huh..." Kankuro muttered eyeing the Third Hokage.

Kiba headed to his team, as Melody waved him goodbye before standing in the middle of her team.
"Where'd you go this time?" Kaiya whispered leaning forward, Melody shrugged, and Clay shook his head.
"You idiot..." He sighed, Melody frowned before folding her arms as other teams began to arrive. Melody and Kaiya glanced around, the sand genin, Shikamaru's team, Neji's team and the sound team arrived.
"Where's Naruto?" Melody muttered quietly, Kaiya glanced up spotting all the proctors.
"There's Kakashi and Anko Sensei." She said poking her friends back, Melody tensed and glanced up. Kakashi's eyes landed on her and he gave her a small nod of the head. She smiled back before looking around again and finally Naruto's team arrived.
"We're all here." Clay said, Melody and Kaiya nodded in agreement.
"First of all, congratulations on finishing the second stage of the exam." Anko's eyes travelled across each of them until they landed on her own team. "That's my team... Melody looks..." Anko shook her head as she watched Melody's eyes trail over to Sasuke. "She and him." She thought in annoyance.

Melody sighed as she glanced away from Sasuke, she tilted her head and stared at Kakashi. A hot feeling washed over her and her eyes flashed colour.
"Does he know
?" She wondered, his eyes flickered away, and she looked to his side a smile creeping on her lips as she watched Gai clench his fist in annoyance looking away from Kakashi. Melody sighed as the Third began to speak. She zoned out and glanced around at all the other competitors, she shook her head "there's so many left... but mainly my friends." Melody clenched her fists before lowering her head as she thought back to everything that happened in the forest of death.
"Hayate!" A squeal came from behind her, Melody blinked and glanced up by the Third, she smiled softly as everyone glanced at a blushing Kaiya.
"Guess her brother is the proctor for this." Clay mused, Melody nodded as Kaiya cuddled against Melody's back.
"It's nice to meet you all." Hayate turned around and began coughing, Melody rolled her eyes smiling happily at Kaiya's older brother. "There is something I would like all of you to know." He raised his hand and began coughing again as Kaiya listened intently to her brother. Melody listened as he continued to speak and cough, Kaiya sighed her fingers digging into Melody's shoulder.
"Hey Kaiya, your brother, right?" Ino leant over to the Chunin, "he seriously needs to get that cough checked out." Ino said quietly, Kaiya and Melody raised their eyebrows.
"Mind your own business Ino..." Kaiya hissed back, Melody shook her head trying her best not to laugh.
"Kaiya," The girls snapped to attention and Hayate and the Third were looking at them. Hayate cleared his throat "As I was saying we will be holding a preliminary round." Hayate explained, Melody raised an eyebrow as everyone began yelling about a preliminary round.
"I don't see the point? Why can't we move on to the third exam?" Sakura asked, Melody rolled her eyes and zoned out once more as Hayate explained the new rules.
"I could be paired with anyone..." She thought glancing around, "I wonder..." Melody looked up as Hayate began coughing again, she sighed. "What if I'm up against Shikamaru... or Clay?" She folded her arms as everyone continued to yell. "Or Naruto... or..." Her eyes travelled around the room and stopped on Gaara. A searing pain ran through her and she quickly shot her head around; Sasuke was gripping his neck again. Melody focused on team seven, they were whispering to one another. "that curse mark..." She sighed and glanced back at the Third before closing her eyes.
Please quit now... I'm scared.
Melody clenched her fists and zoned out everyone around her, tapping into everyone's thoughts and chatter,
it's just as I feared.
what do we do with him?
We take him out of the exam and keep him locked up. Just think what that curse could do to Mel. What it already is doing to her.
Melody's eyes snapped open, Anko was staring at Sasuke an annoyed look on her face. Her hands began to sweat.
"Does she know? About Orochimaru? Me and Sasuke?" Melody bit her tongue as a new voice popped into her head.
And Melody and Sasuke are going to go quietly along with that? He's a Uchiha and she's my-

"I DON'T CARE WHAT HE IS! IF HE STAYS HE'S A DANGER TO EVERYONE!" Anko screamed out, the group glanced over at the purple haired woman and Melody lowered her head in sadness. "Don't you see as they get stronger so does the curse mark! You know about them! It feeds off chakra... It's incredible the kids still standing." Anko reached for her own neck. Melody glanced around at everyone. Sakura's eyes spilling with tears as she too yelled at Sasuke, Melody inhaled softly.
"I'm sorry! Okay you got me! I'm out." Kabuto raised his hand and Melody snarled watching him quietly.
"Kabuto. You can go on and step back."
Melody shook her head as Naruto began talking to Kabuto. Hayate cleared his throat.
"Does anyone else wanna quit? Alright we'll begin! The first pair, Sasuke Uchiha vs Yoroi Akado." All eyes snapped over to Sasuke, Melody shook her head. "Alright everyone leave the arena!" Hayate ordered, everyone slowly made their way up however Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura stayed still as Melody walked over.
"Sasuke, you can't do this match!" Sakura hissed, Melody rolled her eyes.
"I don't think that's up to you." She said simply Sasuke nodded.
"So stay out of it Sakura." He hissed, Sakura's eyes began to water again. Kakashi appeared behind Melody and placed his hand on her head.
"Let's not keep the proctor waiting any longer. Naruto, Sakura head on up please." Kakashi said smiling a little. The two were about to protest but Kakashi frowned, they headed off and Kakashi turned to Melody and Sasuke. "Sasuke, about that mark. You and Melody need to be careful. Otherwise I will have to step in." He lowered his voice and Melody and Sasuke's eyes widened. His hand reached out for Melody and he smiled at her. "Shall we watch?"
Melody nodded and smiled brightly at Sasuke before heading off.

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