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The crowd exploded into cheers of excitement. Everyone began cheering and clapping as Melody screamed happily waving to Naruto. He smiled up at her and waved back before running around the arena waving at the crowds. Melody screamed loudly again jumping onto Shikamaru's back.

"Naruto did it! He actually did it!" She yelled happily, Shikamaru sighed nodding. Naruto ran around happily lapping up the cheers.
"And I thought Naruto was the same as me. Dorky and uncool. Just great I don't think I can beat him... What a drag." Shikamaru inhaled as Melody stepped up onto the railings Naruto stopped in front of her and glanced up.
"Hey Mel! I did it!" He gave her a thumb up and she smiled down at him, before she glanced over at Neji being carried away. Slowly the cheers began to die down, and turned into angered murmurs. Melody raised an eyebrow as Naruto bounded up the steps, still grinning. Melody glanced down at Genma, who was speaking quietly to Raido.
"The next match. Melody and Clay." Genma announced, Naruto grinned.
"Hey good luck!" He said, Shikamaru nodded his head and Melody didn't reply as the crowd began to cheer and Melody and Clay exchanged looks before heading down. They walked silently side by side until they entered the arena and stood on opposite ends. The crowd went silent. She clenched her fists, she could hear the faint whispers.
"It's her..."
"That child?"
"Kakashi's kid?"
"Kakashi took her in."
She sighed as Clay folded his arms. The wind blew across them both and she shivered. Pursing her lips together she felt Genma's hand on her back pushing her forward. She looked up at the crowd, everyone except Kakashi and Sasuke were there. She glanced over at the Hokage, who was smiling down at her.
"When you're ready." Genma announced, Clay nodded as Melody lowered her head her breathing becoming ragged.
"I can't lose control... not here..." She thought, her hands began to tremble as her heartbeat quickened. Clay raised an eyebrow before his hand darted to his pocket. He pulled out shuriken and threw.
Melody's head shot up, eyes widening she dove to the ground. The crowd gasped as Melody glanced up at Clay. Naruto clenched the railings his own heart beat speeding up, as he stared down at Melody.
"She's just... like me..." He thought "don't lose it."
Clay's eyes narrowed, Melody gulped as she watched Clay's eyes darken.
"Come on Mel. Is that all?" He asked, she inhaled deeply before placing her hands together,
"fire style, fire ball jutsu!" She let out her breath and the fire engulfed the area. Her hand went to her pocket and she pulled out her shuriken before throwing, the sound of metal clinked against each other before Clay sped out of the flames. Melody ducked before twisting to the side and pulling up as Clay punched forward. He turned around and the pair connected fists before sending the other back with force. Melody's hand gripped the dirt as she skidded along. Clay flicked his hair out his eyes before he ran forward again, he brought back his fist before slamming it forward Melody leapt backwards and threw her kunai causing Clay to stop and frown up at her before she landed.
"He's trying to be as close as possible... Genma Sensei was right." She thought, she knelt down, and reached her hands behind her, creating hand signs. She watched as Clay's eyes narrowed at her, he sped forward.
"Water clone jutsu."
Smoke appeared, and Clay snorted as he went through each clone.
"Do you believe your clones stand a chance?" He asked, punching the last clone. "so where are you Melody?" He turned around and his eyes widened as a kunai whizzed past him. He growled as Melody appeared above him she jumped down her fist connecting with his hand. He grabbed it tightly as her feet touched the ground. The two stared at each other, as Clay leant forward.
"Should have gotten distance..." He brought his free hand up, punching Melody in the stomach. The crowd gasped in shock however the Melody in Clay's hand disappeared. He frowned and turned around, sat in the tree was Melody. Her eyes dull and focused on Clay. She jumped down and she held her hands back and summonded her chakra, the air began to turn cold around her and the water began to form a huge shrukien. She flung her hands forward.
"Water style, water shuriken!" She yelled, she watched as it headed forward, Clay frowned as Melody quickly made more hand signs.
"water clone jutsu!" Suddenly there was more of the shuriken heading straight for Clay, Clay held up his kunai and blocked the first as it exploded into a burst of water, the next to hit as well, leaving Clay soaking wet. Melody ran forward the wet trail flicking up as she ran at Clay.
"WATER STYLE, STEAM TORRENT!" She hissed, the water trail of shuriken began to turn to steam and trailed all the way up to Clay's arms. His eyes widened before he quickly pulled his arm away from the water and back flipped. He created handsigns and glared at Melody.
"Thermal vent!" the ground began to crack as his hand touched the ground, and heat erupted from the ground, causing the spectators to gasp in shock. The heat from the vents in the ground countered Melody's attack. Melody rolled her eyes and jumped around the cracks and headed for Clay the two beginning their taijutsu attacks.

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