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Winter here!
Here it is, on time! The next part of A Hidden Kindness Part 2!

"Kaiya?!" Clay turned around in time to spot Kaiya falling through the trees, Clay held up his hands and jumped. With a grunt, Kaiya landed in his arms before they both dropped to the ground, Clay lowered Kaiya down as she held up her shaking hand unable to scream. He glanced up to spot a house size spider diving down. He shook his head before moving Kaiya out of harm's way.
"Stay there." He ordered, Kaiya nodded as Clay ran back to the spider. He leapt into action throwing shuriken at the creature, it screeched in pain as Clay created hand signs.
"Shadow clone jutsu!" He yelled, in a puff of smoke five more Clay's appeared, they all dove at the creature hitting it back and forth until Clay ran up a tree. He dove backwards his fist sparking as he drove his solar strike into the spider's back. Kaiya smiled as the creature fell, Clay landed next to her.
"Why aren't you with Melody?" He yelled, Kaiya flinched. Clay was about to speak but stopped. "As long as you're okay..." He sighed rubbing his head, Kaiya nodded before she gasped and began rummaging in her pocket.
"Oh I got a scroll! Before the spider attacked me, Melody and I were attacked by some genin... I told Melody to run that's why she's not here. But I got a scroll." She said proudly holding up a scroll. Clay blinked, and went into his pocket.
"Heaven and Earth scroll we've got them... wait how did you get the heaven scroll?" He asked, Kaiya blinked before her cheeks paled, she brought her hand up to the back of her neck and began laughing.
"AHaha, it doesn't matter." She said, Clay rolled his eyes as Kaiya gave him the scroll.
"Let's find Melody... again." He muttered, Kaiya nodded.
"You're amazing Clay." She smiled brightly, Clay blinked as she began to run off, he blushed a little.
"Thanks..." Both heading deeper into the Forest of Death.

Melody, Neji and Tenten arrived at the scene and Melody felt her heart jump into her mouth, as she spotted Sakura and the state she was in, she looked over at Lee and he was in no better shape than her, Neji and Tenten landed on the tree quietly as Melody gripped Tenten's shoulders.
"That's pretty tough talk." Neji called down. The sound ninja, Shikamaru, Chouji, Ino and Sakura glanced up "I guess that makes your village third rate." Melody scanned the area, Neji was stood with his arms folded as Tenten lowered Melody down, she wobbled as she spotted the extent of Sakura's injuries. Her teeth gritted together,
"What the hell, did you do to Sakura?!" She screamed her anger increasing, the sheer intensity of her voice sent shivers up the sound ninja's spines. Sakura blinked in confusion as she stared at the three in the tree.
She cares?
"I wonder if you amateurs, can take on the real thing." Neji added, as Melody readied herself to jump down. Zaku and Dozu growled turning to face Neji and Melody.
"I'm gonna kill the both of you, for even laying a finger on Lee and Sakura like that!" Melody yelled
Tenten spotted Lee,
"You really blew it." Neji snorted, Melody smacked Neji's arm,
"don't be mean. If he hadn't shown up Sakura would be dead." Melody explained, Sakura's eyes watered, "and there was no guarantee I would have gotten here either."
"Damn straight!" Kaiya and Clay jumped into the clearing, Kaiya jumped in front of Sakura as Clay went in front of Kin's body.
"How dare you pick on the Genin." Kaiya yelled, pulling out her sword. Sakura's eyes widened.
"If you want to die that is." Clay added, "now us Chunin are gonna show you what it means to be a shinobi." He growled out, Melody smiled a little as Kaiya nodded up at her. The sound boys stepped back until Dozu spoke up.
"These Genin keep popping up out of the woods like cockroaches."
"It looks to me like someone used our teammate as a punching bag..." Neji activated his byakugan and Melody groaned in pain as she dropped to her knees gripping her head, her eyes shimmering purple. Kaiya and Clay frowned watching, "no one does that and gets away with it!" Neji yelled, he glanced around, the sound ninja becoming terrified, "no more fooling around Tenten, Melody. Full power." Neji ordered, Tenten pulled out her kunai as Melody nodded until her eyes widened in horror, Neji stopped his eyes deactivating.
That chakra.
"Well? Are you going to stay up there all day? Or are you going to do something about it." Dozu called up, Neji closed his eyes smirking slightly.
"Actually, it might have been taken out of my hands." A cold aura began spreading around a flinching Sasuke, Melody's hand went up to her neck her hand glowing brightly, Neji stared at her. Sasuke stood up, Sakura smiled brightly however it disappeared as Melody began to shake a gold glow to his finger and orange markings all over his body as he stepped forward his chakra through the roof.
"Sakura." He hissed out, Melody shook her head as she began to wrack her brains for a solution "who did this to you? Who was it?" The orange glow fading to black markings, Melody bit her lip staring down at Sasuke as Zaku stepped forward smugly, "don't worry I'm alright, it's just power flowing through me. He gave me this gift. I'm an avenger. I promised Melody I'd protect her, and he took her."
"Mel..." Neji began, she shook her head her own body hot and clammy as she watched Sasuke.
"That would be me." Zaku smirked,
"Ino, get out of there, you too Chouji! You don't want to be involved in this!" Shikamaru yelled, holding Ino's body by the bushes, Chouji nodded and ran after his friend as Sasuke turned all his hate and anger on Zaku. Ino left Kin's body, and groaned as she got back to her body. The three of them watching Sasuke. Melody's heartbeat quickened.
You don't have enough hate.
Melody shook her head before dropping down, she stood back up quickly, her mind racing.
"Zaku you don't understand!" Dozu cried as Zaku was about to attack, Melody created hand signs.
"Water clone jutsu!" She yelled, one ran in front of Lee, one in front of Clay and Kaiya, who by now were standing next to each other, and the other in front of Shikamaru's team. She flung her arms out and screamed.
"Celestial Prison!" Her own prison shooting up and protecting Neji and Tenten.
"Striking sound wave!" A blast sent hurtling around however three celestial prisons went up protecting, the groups only being hit by the strongest breeze, as Sasuke moved Sakura and Naruto. Everyone screaming and covering their eyes. Zaku panted.
"Blew them all away."
Sasuke appeared beside him.
"Not quite!" He hit Zaku sending him flying, Melody dropped to her knees the prisons disappearing as Melody's eyes were fully purple. "Phoenix flower jutsu!" Sasuke yelled, Melody shook her head the pain becoming unbearable. Zaku blew the flames away but the shuriken hit him as Sasuke appeared in front of him and evil smirk on his face. He grabbed Zaku's arms pulling them back behind him as his foot stood on his back. Melody's eyes widened, as she placed both her hands on the floor her eyes watering ever so slightly as her ring finger glowed brightly. "You seem to be very attached to these arms of yours." Sasuke pulled, until the snapping could be heard. Sasuke turned around to the other guy.
"Sealing..." Melody whispered softly, a trail of gold headed to Sasuke as he walked towards Dozu, she bit her lip drawing blood, Clay watched on as Kaiya covered her eyes in fear. Sakura wobbled to her feet as the glow surrounded Sasuke before the black marks slowly began to appear all over Melody's body. Her eyes turned black, the pain growing as Melody shivered as Sakura ran forward before throwing her arms around Sasuke, hugging him tightly.
"Stop! Don't do it." Sasuke's eyes turned on Sakura however he stopped, his eyes flicking to the side as he spotted Melody, her eyes black, her body covered in markings, her mouth bleeding. The marks faded on Sasuke, all on Melody instead. She stared at Sasuke but slowly lowered her gaze as his ring finger glowed. Sasuke dropped to the floor heaving in pain with Sakura. Melody groaned as the marks stayed on her for a little longer, a strangled sound leaving her lips. Dozu dropped his scroll and picked up his teammates. Clay and Kaiya ran forward heading to Melody who collapsed into Clay's arms. Neji and Tenten dropped down, as Shikamaru, Chouji and Ino hopped out of the bushes.
"Hold it! Who is this Orochimaru! And what did he do to Sasuke and why Sasuke? And what's that glowing thing around his hand!" Sakura yelled, Melody's eyes shot up and Sasuke's too. Dozu turned to leave.
"I don't know..." And with that Dozu left.
"You guys okay?! Chouji yelled, Shikamaru and Chouji headed to Naruto, as Ino went to Lee. Neji frowned,
"that was no normal chakra. I had no idea the Uchiha clan was so strong. And what did Melody just do?" Neji thought, Sasuke held his shaking hand.
"Just what am I?" He whispered, Melody groaned from where she was and he turned around. "Melody." He croaked, Clay glared over at Sasuke.
"No, you're staying away from her."
"Clay... don't worry about it..." Melody said softly sitting up, Clay sighed but stood up as Kaiya knelt down next to Melody smiling a little.
"That was intense." Kaiya thought eyeing Sasuke, "this guy..." She snapped out of her thoughts when she heard frantic yelling. She turned her head and smiled.
"Looks like the kids awake." Clay mused, Melody watched as Naruto scrambled forward screaming and yelling as he army crawled forward.
"Naruto?" Sakura said turning around, Sasuke turned as everyone watched him. Melody sighed as she stared down at her bleeding skin.
"We need to get that cleaned up..." Kaiya whispered, Melody blinked but nodded her arms limp in her lap.
"SAKURA! SAKURA SAKURA!" Naruto scrambled to his feet and he ran forward before sliding to Sakura and Sasuke. "Something serious happened to your hair!"
Clay sighed shaking his head, watching the blonde fool as Melody smiled a little. Melody stayed silent as she listened to Sakura putting on a brave act for Naruto. Her eyes lowered,
"Yeah right you're just doing that because Melody did." Kaiya announced loudly causing everyone to look over, Melody twitched as Kaiya got up a smile on her lips and headed over to Ino and Lee. Naruto's eyes widened.
"MELODY?! WHY ARE YOU ALL SCRATCHED UP?!" He yelled concern in his voice, Melody's eyes widened before she shook her head, Clay glanced down at his teammate.
"I tripped and fell." She stated bluntly, Naruto raised an eyebrow as everyone chuckled lightly. Naruto turned around.
"So why are you here? What's your story?"
"Explaining it to you would be such a waste of time." Shikamaru sighed,
"everyone just showed up to help." Sakura replied, Naruto turned to her as Shikamaru walked over to Melody.
"Hey trouble." He whispered bending down as Clay moved over to Kaiya as Tenten grabbed a hold of Lee. Melody smiled weakly at Shikamaru.
"hi Shikamaru, you okay?" She asked, he shook his head picking up her hands and examining her arms, his eyes narrowed as he inspected her nails.
"Me? I'll be fine, it's you... Melody, did you?" His eyes met hers and they sat in silence.

A Hidden Kindness Pt2 (Complete)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin