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Author note: nEW CHAPTER ENJOY!


At the age of six Melody had spent years with the Uchiha clan and on one holiday, Melody sat by the water's edge crying a little, she gave a small whine until Itachi came up behind her.
"Mel what's wrong?" He asked bending down to her, she turned to him and sniffed.
"I didn't get anything for St White's day... and I saw a lot of little girls get a gift from their fathers... I don't even have a daddy..." Itachi sighed as she began to cry again, he patted her head before taking her hand and pulling her up and towards the Uchiha complex.
"How about we have some ice cream? Then we can see if mother needs any help?" She nodded in agreement as Itachi led her.
"Can I have chocolate ice cream with sprinkles?"

Sasuke stood outside Kakashi's house, he bit his lip and sighed he hated this day more than any other day but here he was as always. He had avoided the female populous all day but had suddenly thought it was time to see her, after all it was tradition. At least that was what he thought, he felt an anger burn inside of him however it faded quickly as he shuffled uncomfortably and huffed his cheeks flushing, he raised his hand and knocked. The night had been very calm and he had been able to get out of the Uchiha complex without running into anyone else.

That day Sasuke was playing with his dinosaur happily until Itachi came by.
"Sasuke I need to have a word." He said simply Sasuke smiled and got up walking over to his older brother.
"Yeah big bro?"
"You like Melody, right?"
Sasuke wrinkled his nose up and put his toy down
"What are you talking about?"
"Do you like hanging out with Melody?" Itachi tried again.
"She's alright as far as girls go..." He scratched the back of his head, Itachi stepped closer to Sasuke and handed him a black sparkly box with a white ribbon. Sasuke held it and frowned.
"What is it?"
"Just give it to Melody."
"Okay..." Itachi left without another word.

Kakashi got up and headed to the door as Melody came out of the shower, she was clad in a towel as she was drying off her hair.
"Who's that?"
"I don't know I haven't answered the door yet." Kakashi responded smirking a little, Melody rolled her eyes and headed to her room to get changed. Kakashi unlocked the lock and opened the door he frowned a little and folded his arms.
"Yes Sasuke? We don't have anything on until tomorrow afternoon. What can I do for you?" Kakashi asked, Sasuke paled a little and he sighed.
"Is Melody in?" He asked quietly not looking at Kakashi "why is this so hard?" He thought, he'd seen Melody a million times before why did this make him feel uncomfortable with Kakashi here.
"Yes she is. Would you like me to get her or leave her a message?"
"Sasuke?" Melody was stood at the top of the stairs with her head tilted to the side, she wore a black night gown which made her auburn hair brighter, Sasuke took a deep breath and gulped. Kakashi turned around and ushered Sasuke in, Sasuke shuffled in and Melody began to walk to her room, Sasuke followed.
"Sasuke." Kakashi eyed him, and he flinched. "Don't stay too long please." Sasuke nodded as he walked after Melody.

Melody opened her door and hurried in she got undressed and changed into her white nightgown. She was ready for bed when there was a knock at the door.
"Hi Melody?" Sasuke poked his head around the door and she smiled.
"What's wrong Sasuke?" She asked as she hopped off the bed and Sasuke walked in.
"Uh... I just wanted to say hi." He huffed "I don't get why I have to do this?" He thought Melody tilted her head to the side.
"What's that?"
Sasuke flinched before raising his hand with the gift.
"Uh, this is for you.... I guess...." She took it from him and he stood there awkwardly as she delicately opened it, she raised the lid and her smile brightened as she saw her gift.
"OH SASUKE!" She squealed before tackling him to the floor, giggling happily. The door opened and Mikoto stood there.
"Sasuke what. Oh."

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