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Katsuki screamed as the man dragged her to her feet, Kaiya yanked at the restraints as the other men chuckled.
"You just had to get in the way didn't you Leaf Shinobi? Now this brat can watch you all die." The leader laughed. Yaya sighed as the other man dragged her with Katsuki, "and the best part? Two Princesses for the price of one. Your Hokage is an absolute fool."
Ino and Tenten growled in frustration, as the gang laughed at the Hokage's plan.
"What did you say?" Kaiya hissed, "you know nothing about our Hokage! You know nothing about our village! You don't understand the Will of Fire! And you will never succeed." She yelled, Ino and Tenten nodded in agreement. The men laughed again as the leader yanked Katsuki close to his face, she squealed in anger.
"Starting with the annoying black haired Chunin." He turned and stopped as something hit the wall. They all turned, and the door exploded. Katsuki dropped to her knees.
"WHO'S BEEN DISRESPECTING THE HOKAGE?! IMMA TAKE YOU OUT!" Melody was stood in the broken doorway, her hands on her hips and her fiery hair standing on end, Sakura and Hinata flanking either side. The men dropped Yaya and Katsuki and stepped back, Melody grinned. "Now. You let the two Princesses go, release the Shinobi and I'll go easy on you."
The leader laughed and pointed his finger towards the trio.
"They're just girls. Get them!" The men all glanced at each other murmuring awkwardly slowly raising their weapons, Melody lowered her head her eyes burning a hole in each of their heads.
"Come at me." She challenged. Sakura and Hinata readied themselves and the leader growled in impatience.
"Somebody kill those brats!" He commanded, Melody nodded to Hinata and Sakura.
"Okay girl's, Hinata get our friends, Sakura get Katsuki. I'll have some fun." She said turning to the enemy. "Scythe me." She held out her hand and Sakura sighed handing her a massive three-pronged scythe. Ino's jaw dropped.
"Where did she get that?!" Tenten yelled,
"She went back for his scythe!" Katsuki whispered, her eyes watering, the men charged at Melody as Sakura and Hinata headed on with their mission. Melody braced her feet apart and swung back the scythe, the leader's eyes widening.
"That can't be his-" He stuttered as the small girl swung at the first enemy sending them flying, Melody's eyes sparkled as she gleefully swung her new found scythe. Roukan charged through flanking Sakura as they headed towards the princess's captor. Sakura ducked as Roukan dived over her and bared his teeth causing the man to let go of Katsuki and try to defend himself. Sakura held open her arms as Katsuki ran into them.
"Here's your bow and arrows." Sakura said pulling away from the girl and presenting her with her favourite gift. Katsuki nodded as Roukan had finished his job, Sakura lifted her up and put Katsuki on Roukan. Hinata, with the help of Luna and Faolan headed to Tenten and Ino and began their attack on the captors.
"THIS IS SO MUCH FUN!" Melody yelled happily swinging the scythe around her knocking into another enemy. Lupa sighed as she knocked out Yaya's captor and trotted over to Roukan.
"Your master is funny and awesome." Katsuki said watching Melody singlehandedly take on a gang.
"Idiot more like... but yeah pretty awesome." Ino said folding her arms. They waited a few more minutes before it was just Melody and the leader.

Melody rolled her shoulder backwards as the leader's jaw dropped.
"You might be small, but you are a demon. The last person to wield that curse is just as demonic as you." The leader sneered. The girls all exchanged glances as they watched Melody shrug her shoulders.
"Oh you have no idea."  She spun around the scythe becoming an extension of her body as she knocked down the pillars. "Lupa take Katsuki. Girls run. Luna, Faolan lead the way out. Roukan stay with me." The girls nodded as Katsuki hopped off Roukan to Lupa, the girls began to run as the leader growled, Melody standing in the way of his escape. Melody smirked as the blade sliced through the final pillar. The ceiling began to crumple, and the man gasped in horror.
"You fool! You'll kill us both."
"Well you said the Hokage was fool right? Guess it runs in our village." Melody raised her free hand and slammed it down, the smoke bomb in her hand exploding and covering the room in a purple mist. Melody nodded. "HAVE FUN!" She jumped onto Roukan's back, scythe in hand and he darted off and hurried out as the base began to crumble.

A Hidden Kindness Pt2 (Complete)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt