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Author note: Here we go! Two chapters for you! Enjoy!

Kaiya inhaled deeply her shoulders tensing as Clay entered the arena giving Kaiya a wary smile as she stopped in the middle with him. Hayate placed his hand on Kaiya's shoulder as Clay walked towards them.
"Well... the match will begin if you're ready." He said slowly, Clay nodded once as Kaiya slowly nodded. Clay made the first move and threw a set of kunai at Kaiya, she dropped to her knees before rolling to the side, Clay ran forward and swung his fist at her. Kaiya stood up and held up her hands to her face blocking the punch. She twisted her hand around and gripped Clay's fist. She blinked a little in surprise, along with Clay however Clay kicked his leg out and tripped her up. She landed with a thud. Clay stood over her and waited, a strange look in his eye. Kaiya groaned and sat up rubbing her back softly, before she jumped up and away from Clay.

Clay watched as Kaiya pulled out her sword. He could see her sweat starting to form on her brow as she concentrated on her next move.
"Sorry Kaiya, but you're not going to win this." He thought to himself as he huffed his fringe out of his eyes. Kaiya bit her lip and glanced at her brother before running forward. "sorry Kaiya."

"Kaiya is up against her friend... she must feel awful." Hinata muttered as Kaiya took a swing at Clay which he jumped passed with ease.
"I don't think it matters, that guy... I don't like him." Kiba muttered, watching the two chunin clash, Shino glanced at Kiba.
"Kiba." Shino warned causing Kiba to snort and glance away from the fight, Kaiya lunged at Clay but he shoved her back. Kaiya gritted her teeth together, she threw her sword up in the air and created hand signs before running at Clay.

"Kaiya you know I know that move." He stated quietly as she kicked at him, she nodded slightly. The total number of swords multiplying above them.
"Wow." Naruto breathed out as the ceiling was full of swords. "that's pretty cool what is that?" He asked, Gai folded his arms.
"She is Hayate's sister. Kaiya Gekko. She's a master of swords this technique is called Luna Abundance. Showering the enemy with thousands of swords." He explained as all the swords rained down, Kaiya jumped back and watched as her swords fell. Her eyes began to water as Clay glanced up, she shook her head and slammed her palms together.
"Release." In a puff of smoke, the swords disappeared, Clay frowned as the room gasped in confusion. Kaiya stood chewing on her lip.

Anko gripped the rails.
"Damn it." She hissed, the Hokage glanced at Kaiya and Clay.
"It would appear the child would not harm a comrade." He said smoking his pipe. Anko growled but nodded all the same.

"Kaiya what are you doing?!" Clay yelled causing the black-haired girl to flinch. "You should be fighting me with all your strength! I can take it." He said simply. Kaiya bit her lip and glanced away from him.
"Why should I have to hurt you? I- Clay we're a team! We said we were in this together always!" She yelled back, Clay gritted his teeth together. "I can't hurt a friend..." She whispered, Clay shook his head.
"It's different now!" He began.
"No it's not!" She cut in, "nothing's different all of this is the same! Fighting! Fighting and more of it! It never ends. I'm not here to hurt someone. I'm here to prove something to myself. To- to..." Kaiya brought up her weapon, she stared firmly at Clay who stared back at her, her mouth moved slowly forming words before she shut her eyes and ran forward as Clay's eyes widened. He quickly pulled out his kunai and raised it up, hitting into her sword. Clay and Kaiya held their position before pushing each other back. Clay ran forward before jumping up, his arm began to glow brightly and Kaiya let out a gasp before diving to the ground as his fist connected with the ground. She turned around quickly only to have three shuriken fly at her, she raised her arm covering her face, the first two shiruken slashing passed her shoulders. She let out a whimpered groan, as the third grazed her cheek.

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