Chapter 12

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I apologize for any mistakes. I wrote the majority of this at 3 a.m. when I couldn't sleep. Thanks for the wonderful comments. :)

(See the end of the chapter formore notes.)

Chapter Text

Elias walked through the woods surrounding the academy, enjoying the night air. The temperature was crisp outside and it was bordering on cold. Wind whipped through the trees and an involuntary shiver went up his spine. The night was peaceful and he took a deep breath as he attempted to calm his racing mind.

It was the first and only relaxing moment he had that day. With Elaine confined to the heavens, Klaus was left to run the underworld alone. Which meant Elias was stuck hunting Demons and Seraphim at night with the other horsemen. He didn’t mind, his brother was swamped and if there was something he and the others could do then he was okay with it.  

He stepped into a clearing and found Klaus sitting on a rock a few feet away. He surveyed his brother’s disheveled appearance and shook his head. “You look like hell. When was the last time you slept?”

Klaus narrowed his eyes at Elias’ question. “I appreciate the commentary on my appearance. Sunday.”

“You do realize it’s Thursday right?” Elias raised an eyebrow in question.

“I know what day it is Elias.” Klaus pinched the bridge of his nose. “How’s the hunting going?”

“Phaedon, Theodora, and Karina are switching off nights and helping us hunt since we need an archangel to kill the Seraphim. They currently have a competition going about who can kill the most. Theodora is winning.”

“That’s not surprising.” Klaus snorted.

“Vincent isn’t hunting with us instead he’s rounding up the stray demons, he’s found 239 of them. The hell hounds are helping him with that. Most of the demons have come quietly, he’s had to put twenty feral ones down because they refused to return to the underworld.” Elias sighed. “There is one other thing, Randy was checking on the wards around the Academy last night and the ones Randolph has in place won’t hold out the Demons or Seraphim if they decided to attack the school.”

“Then tell Randy to reinforce them.” Klaus shrugged.

“Randolph is brilliant Klaus, you know this. He’s going to know the instant someone starts messing with the wards around the school. Randy can’t reinforce them without Randolph being able to trace his magic.” Elias said.

“Then what does Randy suggest?”

“Well,” Elias took a deep breath. “Vincent, Amelia, Randy, and I were discussing it and we think it’s time to tell Randolph what’s going on. He needs to be aware of what’s lurking in his woods so he can make sure the students are safe.”

Klaus took a deep breath and ran his hand down his face. “That would mean revealing what we are to him. I don’t know Elias. The archangels stay hidden for a reason and humans don’t know the extent of the monsters that exist on the earth. I don’t really like pulling back the curtain to give humans glimpses into divine existence. Magic is one thing; angels, demons, and the supernatural are on a whole other level.”

“You really think that Randolph is going to run off and tell the whole world about the inner workings of heaven? To be honest, I think since we’ve been secretly using his school as a base then we owe it to him. He needs to know.” Elias said. “He’s got secrets that we’re aware of because we’re divine and we’re all knowing. He’s immortal Klaus do you really think angels are going to shock him? Maybe we should level the playing field a little and reveal ourselves. He would be a great asset.”

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