Chapter 14

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There is a small fight scene at the beginning here so there will be mentions of blood and violence. It doesn’t get too graphic. Also, in order to cure Klaus, Daphne has to give him a shot. I don’t describe it but I know a lot of people are scared of shots. I wanted to put a little warning here at the beginning so you all would be aware of it.

Chapter Text

Liz’s lungs burned as she raced through the dense forest. She could no longer hear Klaus and the demons fighting as she put distance between herself and the danger. She couldn’t keep up her pace much longer but there was no way she was allowing herself to stop.

“Please,” she panted as she continued to pray. “Please, someone hear me. Klaus needs help, he’s been poisoned. I’ll take anyone, even Isidore or Sebastian.”

The snap of branches and rustles of bushes caught her attention and Liz looked around for the source of the sound. Her stomach sank in horror when she saw demons running through the trees on either side of her. They flanked her and their smell of brimstone was overwhelming. She could feel the heat from their bodies like a furnace as they flanked her.

Their teeth and claws gleamed stark against their fur as Liz assessed them. They had her surrounded on all sides and there was no way she could break through the wall they had formed around her. She wasn’t stupid. She knew that she didn’t stand a fighting chance against demons so any hope of escape was out of the question.

Suddenly a howl broke through the forest and the demons tensed around her. The sound of pounding steps could be heard and another howl echoed, much closer this time.

Liz couldn’t help the smile that broke across her face when Cerberus and the other hellhounds emerged from the trees. They came up alongside the demons and Cerberus snarled as he swiped his large paw at the nearest enemy. He threw his head back and barked loud and long, it was a signal.

The hellhounds ripped into the demons around Liz and she did her best to tune out the sound of dying around her. Cerberus thinned their numbers and Liz spotted a break in the trees in front of her. She hurled herself through the thicket and the branches there scratched at her skin.

Liz didn’t even have time to wince before two dark figures cut her off, preventing her escape. The air left her body in a whoosh as one of them grabbed her by the neck and lifted her off the ground.

“Move any closer, pup and I’ll snap her bones.” The demon hissed at Cerberus as he tried to move closer to Liz. The demon panted and a wicked laugh escaped though it’s clenched fangs. “You will bleed, human.” He opened his jaws and a bone-shattering roar rocked the forest.

It didn’t come from the demon in front of Liz, though. The noise hadn’t even subsided before the demon went crashing into a tree, its claws sliding from Liz’s neck. They raked across her chest and her skin burned at the feel of the talons digging into her flesh. 

The wood cracked under the force of the demons impact and then suddenly Klaus was there, his hand at the demon’s throat. His black claws gleamed in the light before he tore into the creature, its flesh giving way under the sharp points. Klaus let out another roar that caused Liz’s blood to freeze in her veins and bared his long canines. Cerberus was on Liz in an instant, he forced her to the forest floor and stood over her, protecting her. 

Klaus placed himself in front of Liz and Cerberus. The other hellhounds paced restlessly behind him as they waited for his lead. The fur on Klaus’ back stood on end as he raised his hackles and crouched. His body was wound tight as he took up a defensive stance. 

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