Chapter 1

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Nick's POV

She was right, it was far from over. By the end of the week we had checked out of the hotel and went back to my house. I had also been able to go through Jeff's phone that's how I knew this wasn't over. He had a lot of friends. Friends with scary ties to the courts, the city, you name it he had a buddy for it. And every single one wanted revenge.

"What ever happened to Joshua?" She asked out of nowhere.
"The nurse" she reminded me.
"He was fired, that's it though."
"Nobody's gonna believe crazy people" she sighed.
"You're not crazy, and don't concern yourself with him."
It seemed Joshua was not connected to any of this. He was a stroke of horrible luck.
"I have to take care of something"
Before she could question me I took off.

"Do you know this woman?"
The man glanced at the photo of Amanda and quickly looked away.
"Who's asking?"
The man was clearly nervous.
"Why does it matter? Just answer the question"
"Alright, yeah I do well I mean I kinda do."
"What do you mean kinda?"
He bit his lip.
"Look man I'm not proud of it!" He exclaimed.
I pushed him against the wall.
"Tell me how you know her"
"She's a hooker, escort whatever you wanna call it!"
I pulled out my badge.
"She's a cop! A detective"
"What?! Man I didn't know I swear to God. I just wanted to get laid."
"How did you find her? You friends with Jeff? Caleb?"
"What? I don't who you're talking about!"
"Don't bullshit me"
"Okay I had a buddy, a coworker who said he could hook me up with someone. He didn't go into detail but I assumed he meant ya know a prostitute. My girl left me I was lonely and desperate. I didn't know she was a cop."
I let him go.
"Your coworker, what's his name?"
"Darren, I don't know his last name"
"Where would I find Darren now?"
"I don't know, he took a vacation haven't seen him around since last week."
"You know where he lives?"
"No man I barely know the guy."
"So you're saying you have no idea who a man named Jeff Hawkins is?"
"No I swear on my mom's life."
"Than how'd your cell number get in his contacts?"
"Okay I did meet this guy I thought was the pimp or something. He gave me his cell number and told me to call if I ever ya know got lonely again."
"And you called him"
"Yes okay. I went to see her like three more times. I was lonely, desperate and it was stupid."
"Yeah well this woman was being held captive by this so called pimp."
"I didn't know I swear. She acted content with everything."
"You're lucky I'm not gonna bother arresting you right here."
I turned to walk away.
"How do you know her?" He called after me.
"None of your damn business. But if you go near her I will not hesitate to shoot you in the face. Understood?"
He nooded furiously.

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