Chapter 13

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Nick's POV

"So she's gonna be alright" I asked.
We were discussing what the doctor said about Amanda.
"We don't know yet. She's improving but not out of the woods yet." Liv answered.
"Well can I see her?"
"I think you should stay here in bed"
"They're discharging me today anyways, what could it hurt to leave a little early."
"She's not awake" Liv argued.
"I don't care"
She wouldn't win this one. I was going to see her.

Amanda's POV

Next thing I knew I was in the squad room. Liv, Nick, and Fin were all there.
"Morning Rollins" Liv said as I walked in.
"Mor..ning" I said as a half questioned.
"What's up with you?" Nick asked.
"Nothing" I quickly said.
Wait I remember this, Jeff is going to walk through that door right...
"Ammaaanda" he sung.
"Jeff, what are you doing here?" Nick questioned.
I was going through my memories, bad memories apparently.
"Just came to see my girl." He said putting hands on my shoulders.
I jumped. Drawing unwanted attention and suspicious eyes.
"Come on let's go" he said.
I knew what he was gonna do, but I was like a robot. I got up and went with him.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing leaving the house without telling me!?"
He hit me.
"You what? Huh?"
"I needed to be here early, Liv called me..."
"You're gonna listen to her over me?"
"She's my boss"
He hit me again, harder. I held my face in pain.
"Hey, there you are"
It was Nick. Thank god I thought.
"Jeff was just leaving" I said.
"Right, I'll see you at home" and he left.
"What was that all about?" Nick asked.
"Doesn't matter" I snapped.
Jeez that came out a lot shittier then I thought. All of a sudden I heard the voices again.

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