Chapter 7

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Olivia's POV

9:30 and Nick still hasn't showed up. This isn't like him.
"Fin have you heard from Nick or Amanda?"
"Nope. I just assumed he slept in or something." He answered.
"I've called him like three times and it went to voicemail."
"I'm sure he's fine. They both are, he'd call us if something was going on."
"Yeah...wait he just text me"
"See he's fine, just sleeping"
I froze as I read the text.
Takn by Marcelo mving trk
"Look at this. Tell me this doesn't say what I think it does"
He looked at my phone.
"Let's get to his house. Now."

Amanda's POV

"I trust you'll be a good girl and won't put up a fight"
I nodded as I stared at Nick's unconscious body.
"Good, let's go"
I followed him out to the U haul truck in the driveway and followed his demand to get in the back. He pulled down the back and the truck went black.
As soon as the truck started I attempted to yank on the door with no luck. They must've locked it from the outside. I looked over at Nick who was still unconscious.
"I'm so sorry" I whispered.

Nick's POV

I woke up to blackness and movement. I was in the back of a truck. I laid there for a minute trying to gather what happened.
"Shit" I said aloud. "Amanda"
I felt around and by some luck found something, no not just anything it was a flashlight. I turned it on and found a note.
Figured you might want to see ~ M
I crumpled it up and threw it.
"Nooo" I heard coming from somewhere in the darkness.
I shone the flashlight in the direction of the noise to find her asleep.
"Wake up"
She bolted awake.
"Please tell me it was a dream" she cried.
I shook my head.
"We'll get out of here though okay. I have my phone with me. What can you remember?"
I got it out only to realize the truck stopped. I typed as fast as I could before the door opened revealing a blinding light and three men with guns.
"He's got a phone" one of them said.
He took it and proceeded to smash it on the floor.
"You guys must be real stupid kidnapping two cops" I said.
"She's no cop, and you are barely one. They won't find you we're you're going, trust me."
He shut the door bringing back the dark.
"You hurt?"
She shook her head.
"What happened?"
"I let Apollo out and I heard him cry then I remember shutting the door, but they kicked it down. They forced me back into the bedroom and told me to be quiet."
"Okay well I text Liv so she knows something happened. They'll find us. Alright?"
She started crying.
"No, these guys are too smart, they'll make sure we aren't found."
"Don't think like that"
"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry I got you in this mess."
She buried her face in my chest.
"We will get out of here"

Olivia's POV

"Two NYPD detectives were kidnapped last night by a very dangerous drug lord. His name is Marcello Romairo and should be considered armed and extremely dangerous."
I showed the picture of Marcello to everyone in the squad room.

"Any hits on a stolen truck?" Fin asked after the briefing.
"No, nothing"
"Dammit, we knew this was going to happen."
"Calm down, blaming ourselves won't bring them back. Let's just, let's find out all we can on this Marcello guy."
"Well we know he tortures his victims"
"Fin we can't think about that right now. We need to focus on finding them. And we will find them."

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