Chapter 32

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Olivia's POV

I woke up in a chair still in the hospital waiting. We must've fallen asleep here I thought.
"Fin, psst"
He was still sound asleep. Well then, I guess I'll go without him. I went to Nick's room and found he was awake.
"It's about time you woke up, gave us all a heart attack."
"Did you really come in here to nag me?"
"No" I admitted.
"She's not..."
"No, but she's not doing good. She was beaten badly."
"I know. I saw what happened."
"So what did happen? Was it those three guys again?"
"Only one of them. He managed to knock me out with a bottle" he pointed at the gash on his forehead, "and when I woke up I was tied up."
"What happened to Amanda?"
"Exactly what you think happened. Raped her then beat her into a coma."
"And then he shot you."
"Yeah. Dammit, how could I of just let him do that!?"
"Nick you were tied up, he had a gun. What were you supposed to do?"
"I don't know. Something, anything."

"Since you were last one up you get to take care of their dog."
Fin was finally awake by the time o got back to the waiting room.
"Take care of their trained attack dog?"
"Relax, Nick said he probably won't bite you."
"Just go, and watch your back. We have a target on us."

When he left I decided to go to the nurse's station.
"Any news on Amanda Rollins?" I asked one of the nurses.
"CT scan showed a trauma to the head, cracked skull..."
"I know, just do you know if she's improving at all?"
"She's still not responsive, but she's not getting worse. She's stable right now."
"Okay, thank you."

"How was the dog? Didn't bite you did he?" I asked Fin as he arrived.
"No, but I don't think he was too happy to see me. Is there any news on Amanda?"
"No, she's not improving but she's not getting worse either."
"What about the precinct? What are we supposed to do the entire floor is burnt?"
"Moved to a different building. Temporary. Speaking of we should be working other cases."
"We have a case right here! We have to find those men."
"Well right now we have nothing on them. Let's focus on cases that actually do have leads."
Yes Fin was upset, but we couldn't sit here driving ourselves crazy worrying.
Just as we were leaving there were doctors and nurses rushing down the hall into a patient's room. We both looked at each other.
"That's Amanda's room"
We raced down there only to be pushed out by the nurses.
"What's going on!?"
"We think she's having a seizure. Now back up."
We backed away from the room back into the hallway. Several minutes later they began filing out. The doctor called us over.
"What happened in there?" Fin asked.
"We believe the head trauma caused the seizure. She's stable now but..."
"But what?"
"I'm worried the beating to her head might of caused permanent brain damage."
"As in?"
"Seizures, chronic headaches, physical paralysis, amnesia, not to mention the cognitive and emotional effects."
"But she'll live though? Like she's gonna wake up." It was my turn to ask the questions.
"We have to wait and see."
The doctor walked away.
"Who's gonna tell Nick?"
"I guess I'll have to."
I headed back down the hallway to his room. His mom had just left luckily.
"How's Amanda? Is she awake yet?" Was the first thing out of his mouth.
"No, that's actually what I came here to talk about."
"What is it Liv?"
"The doctor believes if she wakes up..."
"Woah, if? You mean there's a chance she won't."
I sighed and nodded my head.
"Dammit" he muttered.
"If she wakes up, the doctor thinks she's going to have permanent brain damage."
"Dammit!" He knocked the glass off the night stand. "This is my fault."
"Nick, you can't blame yourself. There's nothing you could've done."
"I shouldn't have let her go home. If I would've made her stay at the restaurant, fought him off..."
"You did everything you could."
"Than why don't I believe that?"

Nick's POV

She's gonna be okay, she's got to be okay. I thought to myself. Liv had finally left leaving me alone to my thoughts. That was unfortunate. I could not get that image out of my head, of him just beating her. Her crying and me not being able to do anything. I wanted this guy dead, and I wanted Amanda to wake up.

It's Not OverTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon