Chapter 28

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Amanda's POV

"How long was I out?" I asked waking up.
"About an hour." Nick responded.
He sounded tired. I'm pretty sure everyone was. The door opened. The guy pointed at me and signaled me over. I got up and walked over to him.
"You, stay" he pointed the gun a Nick who must've been behind me.

Once I was out of the room I realized what I needed to do. I kicked the guy in the stomach and as he doubled over in pain I ran to unlock the the door. Unfortunately for me there was already someone there. He grabbed hold of my neck and pushed me against the wall.
"You really are stupid aren't you"
He punched me in the face. So I kicked him.
"You fucking bitch"
He grabbed me again and this time slammed my head into the wall. I fell to the floor, but wasn't done fighting. I kicked and kicked but was soon overpowered by the three of them.
"Why don't you just kill me already?!"
The guy grabbed my hair and pulled me up.
"Great, now you get to choose who dies"
I kicked him again only to be grabbed and thrown against the the window to the interrogation room. I felt the glass break.

Nick's POV

It wasn't long after they took Amanda that the commotion started. Yelling and screaming rang out from the other side of the door.
We frantically ran to the door, but of course it was locked.
"Kick it down!" Drew yelled.
"Don't you think I would've done that if I could by now?!"
Just than we heard the one way mirror crack. The door opened and they tossed her back in. She was barely conscious her hair matted in blood.
"I tried, I tried to get us out. But they just..."
"Shh shh it's okay"
"Guys look"
Drew was pointing at the door. Smoke was creeping from under it.
"Oh shit. We need to figure a way out!"
Drew grabbed the chair and threw it at the mirror. It shattered to a million pieces. More smoke came rushing in. Soon everyone was coughing, frantically trying to breathe.
"Let's go"
Drew crawed out the broken window and unlocked the door.
"Can you walk?"
Amanda nodded, but as soon as she started getting up fell back down. I picked her up.
"Fin, Liv you good?"
Liv was using Fin as a human crutch to walk.
"Yeah" Liv replied.
"Yeah, here" she responded.
We all headed out, the thick smoke making it hard to breathe. We couldn't see the source of the smoke, but there was a lot of it.

Once we made down the stairs away from the fire and smoke we stopped to catch our breath. I placed Amanda on the ground and realized she wasn't doing well.
"Alright let's keep moving"
I picked her back up and we headed outside. There we were greeted my firetrucks and curious onlookers.

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