Chapter 8

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Nick's POV

It must've been the longest ride I'd ever been on, at least it felt that way. When the door finally opened I realized we weren't in New York at least not the city.
"Where are we?!" I demanded.
"Welcome to Vermont. This is just our first stop on our journey."
"Journey? What the hell you mean journey?!"
"That you will learn later. Come on guys bring them inside."
They grabbed us before I had any time to react. Amanda put up little resistance meanwhile I was attempting to kick these ass hats in the knees.
"Start cooperating or you'll regret it"
Marcello walked besides his men
Two held me while one held Amanda and Marcello I assume was supposed to be supervising.
"Go to hell" I said and kicked the guy hard enough to make him let go.
I struggled with the other guy, but soon I was restrained again. Marcello pulled out a tazer.
"You see the only thing that's worse than experiencing pain..."
He brought the tazer to Amanda.
"Is watching someone you love experience it."
"No!" I screamed, but I was useless.
She was on the ground within seconds twitching from the shock.
"Now I assume they're be no more interruptions?"

Olivia's POV

"I came as soon as you called what's going on Liv"
I called up Cragan as a last resort. We were missing two of our own and I no longer could handle the pressure.
"Amanda and Nick, they're missing"
"I heard, you want to elaborate?"
I told him everything starting with Jeff and ending with the text I got from Nick.
"Did Rollins ever tell you anything about this guy?"
"Not much, she was scared of him, and rightfully so."
"This guy Marcello, he's a big time drug lord?"
"Yeah, and he's not one to mess with I mean look at his victims."
I showed the photos of the victims that at one point pissed of Marcello.
"This girl here was 19, her boyfriend was one of Marcello's buyers. He couldn't pay up and so he targeted her. She was raped, tortured, and killed."
He stared at the photos.
"We need to find them. Before it's too late"

Nick's POV

We ended up being brought to the basement of some house in the middle of the woods.
"I'll be back" Marcello said shutting the door.
I looked over at Amanda who looked to be in shock.
"Shit no no no no!" She kept repeating.
"Calm down a second"
"No, this is it, this is exactly like that cellar Caleb kept me!"
She started trying to find any escape and when that didn't work she tried making her own. She scratched at the concrete wall until her fingers bled and I pulled her away.
"I'm so tired Nick, I can't do this again."
"I know. I won't let anything happen."
"Please just do what they say." She begged
"I will, I will"
The door opened once again. Marcello came down stairs holding a gun.
"Let go of her" he commanded.
I did so reluctantly.
"Come on bitch, let's have some fun"
"Amanda don't" I tried.
"Don't act like you care" Marcello yelled "now come here before I call my people"
Amanda followed his orders.
"If you lay a hand on her I swear to god I'll..."
"You'll do nothing."
He grabbed her and brought her upstairs leaving me alone in the dark. I didn't want to think about what he was doing to her, but I could hear her screams and knew exactly what was happening.

Amanda's POV (Graphic)

He lead me upstairs and pushed me to the floor when we got up. I noticed the door was to the basement was steel with a pad lock. No chance for escape.
"You belong to us now bitch and you're gonna pay for what you did to Jeff"
He began stripping as I desperately struggled to crawl away.
"Grab her arms" he commanded to one of the men.
"No!" I screamed struggling to get free.
"You better start getting use to this!" Marcello said as he tore off my clothes.
I closed my eyes and pretended I was elsewhere as they took turns. They ended up chaining me to a bed and repeated the process. I gave up trying to fight. All I could do was pretend this wasn't happening.

Nick's POV

After what seemed like several hours they tossed her back downstairs. Tossed her. Like she was nothing more than an object.
She was beaten up pretty bad and she wore a different outfit than what she originally had on.
"What'd they do? Are you okay?" I asked a little too frantically.
She whipped a tear from her face.
"Nothing I haven't experienced before"
God dammit I felt so useless. There was absolutely nothing I could do.

A short time later Marcello and his men came back downstairs. They each held guns at their sides.
"It's about time you learn what your purpose is" he said.
"You" he walked up to Amanda "you get to have all the fun."
He whispered something in her ear that made her cry even more.
"As for you tough guy, you're just insurance. As long as I have you she won't try to get away, most importantly I won't be killed. As long as I have two NYPD detectives nobody is going to kill me without knowing where you are first."
"You're smart Marcello, but you and I both know the NYPD is smarter."
"The NYPD is no longer part of this."
He walked back to Amanda and stroked her hair.
"Don't touch her" I warned.
"That's the best part silly. As I was saying, blondie here is going to be my main girl. She'll do what I say when I say it no matter what. She'll also do what my buddies say. And... she'll be my star attraction on our tour of the country."
He kissed her lips.
"Come on men, let's leave these two alone for the night."
And with that they went upstairs locking the door behind them.
Amanda remained silent and still until I spoke.
"They won't get far, Liv, Fin, they're all tracking us down right now."
"What'd he mean by tour?" She remained still as she spoke.
"I don't know."

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