Chapter 31

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Fin's POV

"Amanda? Amanda!?"
There was no response on the other end of the line. This can't be good.
"We need to go Liv"
"What's going on?"
"I don't know, but it doesn't sound good."
We rushed to the car and flew to Nick's house.
"That was Amanda on the phone. She said she needed us." I explained in the car.
"Did she tell you what happen?"
"No, she just.."
Shots rang out. Someone was shooting at us.
"Go go go" Liv instructed.
I floored it as more bullets flew through the car windows.

We managed to get away from the shooting and pulled up in Nick's driveway. The door was cracked open.
We drew our guns not knowing what to expect. Inside we found a horrible sight.
"Oh my god" I heard Liv say.
Blood was everywhere. Nick was tied up bleeding from his head, abdomen, and god knows where else. Amanda laid on the ground naked with the phone just inches from her hand. For a second we thought they were dead.
I ran to Amanda, Liv to Nick. They were both alive...barely.

Olivia's POV

They were rushed to the hospital as soon as the ambulances arrived. We followed then down to the hospital. Nick's mom met us there.
"What happened?" She asked.
"We don't know. He was shot, we don't know how bad. He's in surgery now."
I pushed my way through the crowd of cops and found Fin.
"Any word on her?"
He shook his head. There was nothing left to do but wait.

Hours went by before we heard anything.
"Miraculously the bullets missed any vital organs. He's out of surgery, but not out of the woods yet."
There was still no word on Amanda.

Fin's POV

"Did she say anything to you?" Liv kept pestering me with questions.
"No, just what I told you."
The image of her horribly beaten was still fresh in my mind. My thoughts were soon interrupted my the doctor.
"She's not awake, and it might be a while before she is. She sustained a lot of trauma to the head."
It was obvious even the doctor was disturbed by where happened to her.
"She was beaten mercilessly fracturing bones, damaging organs."
"Is she gonna make it?" I had to ask not knowing if I really wanted to know the answer.
"We can only wait and see."

"Now what?" I asked Liv.
"I don't know. We need to find these guys. Before it's too late."
"Too late?"
"Amanda's right, we are all targets. That shooting when we were going to Nick's place. That was no coincidence. We really need to watch our backs and probably should not go home tonight."
We stood in silence trying to figure everything out.
"I should call Brian, tell him to pick up Noah."
After she walked down the hall to make the call I snuck off into Amanda's room. The doctor was right, she looked awful almost unrecognizable with all the bruises and gashes on her face. I found my mind fighting over whether I was mad at Nick or not. A part of me argued he could've done more to stop the guy, but the actual reasonable me knew he couldn't of. There's no way he we went down easy especially knowing her life was on the line.
"There you are" I heard Liv behind me.
"She's not looking good."
Liv sighed.
"She'll make it Fin, she has to."

Pretty soon day faded to night and more and more cops were leaving.
"I'll make sure to call you when he wakes." Liv told Nick's mom.
She had been the last to leave. We sat in the now empty hospital waiting room.
"How does this keep happening?" Liv asked rhetorically. "How do we keep ending up with these two in the ICU?"
"Hey, it's not always them. You took a gunshot to the leg the other day don't forget."
She smiled slightly. I guess we needed something to laugh at. In reality though two of our own were laying in hospital beds and we had no idea if either would still be alive tomorrow.

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