Chapter 11

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Fin's POV

"Come on, we're going to Indiana" Liv said as I arrived.
"Wait what?"
"Kokomo police believe they've seen a guy matching Marcello's description, they sent a photo and it was a match. He's in Kokomo, Indiana, and if he is they must be."
It'd been a month and three weeks since we'd last seen Amanda or Nick and in all honestly I was starting to doubt we'd get them back...alive.
"Liv we don't know.."
"Don't say it"
"I was just gonna say we don't know who all is involved with this, he's probably working with more than one person." I didn't bother even bringing up the fact that we had no idea where Marcello was hiding in Kokomo.
"Kokomo police agreed to cooperate with us so we'll have backup when we need it."
"Okay, let's go to Indiana"

Nick's POV

Over the next week Amanda's health only deteriorated. Marcello continued to torment her and the torture only seemed to get worse.
"You think you can escape?!"
We had actually managed to get outside before being caught by Marcello's crew. Now all hell was going to break loose.
"I'll show you what happens when you try to escape."
He shoved Amanda down the stairs hitting the bottom with a thud. I ran down after her. She was unconscious and bleeding from the head.
"Get away, I'm not done with her!"
He pushed me aside and smacked her across the face then pulled her up. She was just starting to gain consciousness when he punched her again.
I had to watch her get beat and raped while being held back by two guys with guns. Never in my life did I feel so useless.

When everyone left I was able to get to her at last.
"I don't know how long I can take this." She whispered weakly.
"I will get you out of here, I swear to God."

That day was the last time we saw Marcello. The only people that remained were his three armed accomplices and they wanted nothing to do with us, but knew they couldn't let us go.
Amanda grew increasingly weak, to the point she could barely move. Not getting anything to eat or drink wasn't helping the cause either. At this point I really didn't know how she'd make it.

Olivia's POV

We met Kokomo police at their station and they presented us with the news that they did in fact have Marcello in custody, but he wasn't speaking.
"Well we haven't talked with him yet, so let's give it a try."
Fin and I went into the interrogation room.
"Where are they?" I started the questioning.
"Who? Oh you mean pretty boy and his little slut?" He spewed. "Dead"
"Bullshit" Fin said
"You don't believe me? Why would I have any reason to keep them alive?"
"You tell me."
"Fine, they're not dead, not yet. But blondie isn't doing so hot."
"Tell us where they are!" Fin rammed the table into him.
"Now why on earth would I do that?"
That's when Fin pulled out his gun. I pondered stopping him, but knew we needed to get them back before it was too late. Even if that meant lines were to be crossed.
"Tell me where my partner is or I will blow your brains out right here right now."
Marcello looked at me.
"I'd listen to him. He's the one with the gun."

Amanda's POV

He tried. He tried to get us out of here, but now he was chained to the wall and I was lying here on the concrete floor. I couldn't move. I was done fighting. I felt a tear run down my face as everything started fading.

I woke up at first I thought I was dead. The room was blurry, I was still on the floor but could make out several figures. Shit, not again.
"Amanda" I heard a familiar voice say.
Was it really Fin? No, it couldn't be we're all the way in Indiana. I couldn't deal with this, not again.
"Please just leave me alone." I pleaded.
"Amanda look, it's me." The figure said.
"No" I whispered. "I'm dead I've got to be dead."

Fin's POV

We knocked down the door and rushed to the basement. There we were met with a horrible sight. No I thought she can't be dead.
"I got her you go uncuff Nick" I told Liv.
She remained still and unresponsive. Her face had no color to it.
"No, I'm not ready for a new partner."
I grabbed her head.
Her eyes opened slightly. Oh thank God I thought.
"Please just leave me alone."
"Amanda it's me."
"No, I'm dead I've got to be dead." She whispered weakly.
"No, you're not, and you're not gonna die."
"Fin?" she said weakly
"Yeah, it's me. Stay awake okay"
She didn't. She was unconscious again. Half of me wanted to pick her up and rush her to the hospital myself. The other half knew that was a terrible idea given I didn't know the extent to her injuries. The only thing I did know was my partner was dying in my arms.

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