Chapter 22

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Nick's POV

"Nick could you come here a second?" Liv called from her office.
I got up and walked in.
"Look, I know you don't want to talk about this, but you can't just ignore what happened to you."
"Yes as a matter of fact I can. It's in the past. I've had plenty of time to forget about it."
"If you don't want to talk to me that's fine, but you know you can't just bottle this up."
"That's what I've been doing for the past 25 years. Bottling it all up and never speaking of it"
"And how has that worked out for you?"
I sat down. She was right. I couldn't forget about my dad, and maybe that's why I had a temper. Maybe all my hatred for him spilled over into my life now and I just ignored it.
"I never told anyone. I couldn't tell my mom she already had enough to deal with."
"How old were you?" Liv asked quietly.
"4, 5 that's when I remember it starting. Lasted all the way up till I was ten."
"You never told anyone?"
"I couldn't. My father, he was, is a violent man. He'd hurt me, my mom if I would've said anything at the time. I should've done something. Maybe that would've gotten my mom away from him."
"You were just a kid."
"I know."
I didn't want to cry, but I felt the tears starting up. Thank god Fin came in at that moment.
"There's something wrong with Amanda" he said.
"What do you mean!?" I asked rushing out there.

"Shit, she was just here."
Fin looked around the room searching for any sign of her.
"She got up walked out into the squad room, I asked how she was and she didn't respond. She just kept talking to herself."
"She's probably sleepwalking. We gotta find her before she hurts herself."

Amanda's POV

"Follow me. Now!" Jeff said.
"No" I protested.
He grabbed hold of my arm. I winced in pain as he dragged me with him.
"Now come on, I'm not playing around."
"Let go of me!" I pleaded.
He smacked my face and continued dragging me outside my apartment door. I watched as we passed people giving dirty looks at both of us.
"Come on, let's take this outside."
"No, let go of me!"
We were right by the staircase and I was doing anything to avoid tumbling down them again. He grabbed me by the neck and threw me to the wall.
"You're gonna stop behaving like a spoiled whore and listen to me. You understand!?"
I nodded. I looked down at the staircase and slowly inched away from it.
"Please don't do this." I tried.
"Shut up."
He shoved me forward down the stairs.

Nick's POV

"No, let me go!" We heard her scream.
We raced to the source and found her fighting with nothingness. Even worse she was right next to the stairs.
"Amanda? Come on now wake up." I tried without getting too close.
"Please don't do this." She whispered.
I raced to the stairs but was too late. She plummeted down them.
We rushed down after her. By the time we got down then she was already sitting up. Blood was pouring out of her forehead.
"Lay back down, we don't know how bad you're hurt."
"He pushed me." She muttered.
"No ones there, just lay down we'll call an ambulance."
"No." She protested. "I'm not going back to the hospital."
"You need to, we don't know how bad you're hurt."
"I'm fine" she insisted and began getting up.
There was no use fighting her. She was not going to listen.
"Let's just go back upstairs." She said.
I stayed right behind her as we climbed back up the stairs. Liv and Fin right behind me.

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