Chapter 21

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Amanda's POV

Neither one of us slept the rest of the night, but we did a good job acting like we did. Everyone's been watching me like a hawk. I wasn't even allowed to stay home alone so I went to the predict with Nick. Not complaining though. It got me out of the house.
"Sara Parker, 27 years old was raped and held captive by her boyfriend for 72 hours" Liv announced putting the victim's photo on the board.
I suddenly felt sick. I stared at the photo of Sara and was soon lost in my own head.
"Shut up and get naked" Jeff told me.
I complied knowing if I didn't it'd only make things worse. He threw me onto the bed. I let him do what he wanted as I just silently cried.
"What's for dinner babe?" He asked when he was done.
"I don't know" I said wiping away tears.
"Dammit Amanda!"
Slapped me across the face.
"I'm sorry I just, I wasn't thinking."
"Damn right you weren't! I work all day I expect to come home to a decent dinner!"
"I don't need to make dinner every night! Why don't you?"
I regretted speaking the moment it came out. He grabbed me by the neck and threw me against the wall.
"What'd you say?!"
He punched me in the face. Then again and again.
"Look at me Amanda! Amanda!"
I jumped probably ten feet in the air as someone grabbed my shoulder and said my name. I turned around to realize it was Fin.
"You alright?" He asked.
I looked around and saw everyone was looking at me.
"Yeah, I just need some air."
I ran out before anymore questions could be asked. I went outside and cried my eyes out. After a little while I gathered myself together and went back inside.
I was inside already before realizing I was alone. I was a target for anyone who wanted to be a jackass.
"Hey Rollins glad to see you're back" I heard a familiar voice say.
"Just leave me alone" I told the detective.
"Oh come on I'm just being nice."
He put his arm around me and slowly slid it down.
"Get off me"
I threw his arm back at him.
"Wow, I know Jeff said you like it rough. Come on now"
He grabbed my arm.
"Let go" I warned.
"Come on"
I looked around. People glanced over, but didn't do anything. Finally I did what I had to. I kicked him right in the balls.
"Ow! You bitch!" He yelled.
I started to run, but he grabbed my arm.
"I was just being nice you dumb whore"
He slapped me. Once again I looked for help but nobody even bothered stopping.
"Come on!"
He started dragging me away from the crowd with him, but I fought back.
"Let me go!"
"Shut up!"
He pushed me against a wall.
"I will do you right here right now and nobody will say anything."
I let a tear fall down my cheek realizing he was right.
"What's going on here?"
I've never been so relieved to hear Fin's voice.
"Nothing. Just telling detective Rollins I'm glad she's back."
"Let go of her."
He released his grip on my arm.
"I should leave"
"Yeah, you should. Now go."
The detective walked off without saying another word.
"You alright? Who was that?"
"Yeah, no one. I doesn't matter."
"Come on, let's go back to the squad room." He said putting his arm around me.
I looked back behind us at the detective. I saw him wink. I quickly turned back around trying to forget about it.

Nick's POV

"She's laying down." Fin said walking back into the squad room.
"What happened" I asked.
"I don't know, I saw some asshole with his hands on her. I don't know what he was doing."
"Nothing good, I think we can agree on that."
"Do you know who the guy was?" Liv asked.
"No, I know he had a badge. Must be a detective."
"Okay what the hell is wrong with people?" I said. "She goes through hell and they just want to keep making her life miserable. I've had enough of this."
"Nick calm down" Liv tried.
"No, you don't get it Liv. She trusts no one. Not me, not you, not you"
I gestured at both of them.
"And it's all because of these ass hats here."
Nobody said anything. I went and sat down before I could say anything else I'd regret later.

Amanda's POV

I quickly wiped away the tears on my face when the door opened.
"Hey" Nick said. "How are you doing?"
I bit my lip and started crying again. He hugged me.
"Who was that guy?"
"I don't know his name."
"How long has he been bothering you?"
"Since word got out about Jeff. He started out just groping me then when Jeff was escalated."
"You didn't tell anyone?"
"I didn't find it important. He's just another guy. What he did was nothing compared to Jeff and Caleb."
"That doesn't make what he did okay"
"I've been here for almost four years now, I should've been able to take care of myself."
"It doesn't matter that you carry a badge and a gun, this could've happened to anyone."
"You don't see it happening to Liv. Why? Because she's smart, she's an amazing detective. I'm just an Atlanta reject."
"Don't say that."
"It's true though. You know she would've never let this happen to herself"
"You didn't let anything happen, he forced you."
"And any decent detective would've been able to defend themselves. So I guess I'm not even halfway decent."

Nick's POV

I couldn't believe what I was hearing her say.
"I just want to be alone right now" she said.
I got up and left. Of course Fin and Olivia were ease dropping on the entire conversation.
"She can't really believe any of what she said." Liv said.
I knew she felt guilty in a way. I didn't know what to say.
"Maybe I should go talk to her." Liv said.
"I don't think that'd be a good idea. She just wants to be alone right now."
I didn't have the heart to say she was probably the last person Amanda wanted to talk to.
"Let's just get back to work." I said.
We walked off back to our desks leaving Amanda to herself.

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