Chapter 27

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Nick's POV

"We have to do something, we can't just let them kill her."
I paced back in forth.
"Well what do suppose we do?" Drew remarked.
"I don't know but we're not letting her die!"
"You two need to knock it out. Arguing isn't gonna solve anything."
So far Liv had been the best at keeping the peace.

Just as I was about to lose it with Drew the door opened. They pushed Amanda back in and shut the door. She was bruised and bloody.
"What happened? What'd they do?" Liv began questioning.
Amanda just shook her head and went and sat in the corner of the room. The three of us looked at each other. None of us had any idea what these guys had in plan, but we do know what they did to Amanda.
I went and sat down next to Amanda on the floor.
"You guys are gonna die, because of me." She cried.
"Nobody's dying tonight" Liv assured her.
She laid her head on my chest and closed her eyes. Probably to keep from crying more. I put my arm around her and looked up at Olivia. We were both wondering the same thing. What now?

The gunmen came in at around 10:30 pm which was why nobody besides us five were there. And since there was nobody there, no one expected anything to be wrong.
Almost two hours past by. We were all sitting on the floor. Amanda still with her head on me. We could only wait. Wait for that door to open.
"Well she has to know something." Drew broke the silence.
"Don't start man" Fin said.
"No, she has to know something." He gestured at Amanda. "What'd they say they were gonna do? Huh?"
Amanda sat up.
"Do you want to know what they said? You want to know what they're gonna do to us? They're gonna rape and torture every woman in this room and kill you, Nick, and Fin. Is that it? Is that what you want to hear?!"
"No, this isn't happening!"
"Drew calm down" the female cop said.
"Nicole did you hear what she said? Did you hear what he's gonna do to you?"
"Alright well nothings happening now so just calm down."
Drew went and sank to the ground on the other side of the room. Nicole was keeping it together but it was obvious she was scared.

Amanda's POV

I sat between Fin and Nick. Olivia was on the other side of Nick. Across from sat Drew and Nicole. They were young. Probably in their twenties. They were scared, especially Nicole and with good reason.
"How you holding up?" Fin asked me.
I wiped the dry blood off my face.
"I'm gonna guess not so well." He said.
Just than the door opened.
"You." He pointed at Nicole. "Come"
She looked around in terror. I stood up.
"Don't take her, she's got nothing to do with this. I don't even know her."
"Shut up"
He slapped me across the face. I stumbled back.
"Hey!" I could hear Nick say.
"Nick don't" I tried.
"What the hell is wrong with you? Hitting women for fun you're nothing but a fucking coward"
"Nick stop" I pleaded.
The guy pulled out his gun.
"I think you should shut your mouth."
"You're not gonna shoot me."
The gun rang. I turned around and saw it hit Liv in the leg. She slid to the floor.
"Now shut the hell up."
He grabbed Nicole and dragged her outside the door.
"Nicole!" Drew came racing after, but it was too late. The door shut.

Nick's POV

"It's nothing, really I'm fine." Liv kept saying.
Dammit if only I kept my mouth shut.
"Nick, don't beat yourself up."
She must've read my mind.
"Where is she? What are they doing to her?!" Drew paced back and forth.
I looked around saw Amanda back in the corner and Fin standing by the door.
"If my partner dies, I'm blaming you." He pointed at Amanda.
"Okay we're not pointing fingers."
I stood up and walked up to Drew.
Drew sighed. Screaming rang out.
"Nicole!" He screamed. "What are they doing to her?!" He looked at Amanda.
She didn't answer.
"Dammit" he punched the wall.
"Everyone calm down" Fin finally said. "Yelling and screaming is getting us nowhere."
"He's right" Liv added. "Screaming and yelling isn't gonna help Nicole."

Amanda's POV

Everyone finally settled back down to their original spots and the room went silent. At this point I was consumed with guilt. All this was my fault.
"We're gonna get out of this" Fin tried convincing me several times.
Yeah we'll get body bags.

Drew remained staring at me the entire time.
"They're not gonna kill her." I said.
"And how would you know?" He snapped.
"Because she's of value to them."
"What the hell do you mean by that?"
"Sex" I said. "They're gonna keep me, her, and Liv alive. They have no use for you."
He dug his head into his hands.
"Dammit" he muttered.
I felt sick to my stomach. This was all my fault. Nick must've read my mind because soon after he put his arm around me.
"Don't blame yourself." He said.
"Too late"
I let my head rest back on his chest. I was so tired, but there's no way any of us could sleep tonight.

Nick's POV

Nicole was shoved back in an hour later. She was beaten up and crying. Drew immediately went to comfort her.

As the night went on we all grew tired. I'm pretty sure Amanda had fallen asleep on me so I couldn't go anywhere. I looked over at Drew and Nicole. She had fallen asleep on his shoulder. It was just the four of us.

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