Chapter 23

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Amanda's POV

"So what happened back there?"
"Nothing" I lied.
I didn't want to lie to Olivia, but I also didn't want to get into the details
"You were arguing with yourself then proceeded to take a plummet down the staircase. That's not nothing." Nick added.
"It was just a nightmare. A very very real one."
"About what?"
I hesitated to tell them. The nightmare had been like a flashback.
"Remember that case we had with the 13 year old?"
"Yeah you stayed here all night working on it." Nick added.
"Yeah Jeff wasn't happy about that."
I brushed my hair behind my ear and looked down. The incident was playing in my head as I spoke.
"When I got home he threw a glass plate at me. He was so pissed. I just wanted to go to bed, but he wanted more. When I tried to fight back he took me to the staircase and threw me down them. I hit my head and woke up tied to my bed."
I left it at that
"So that's what that was about?" Nick said.
I nodded.

Nick's POV

I remember that case so clearly now. I also remember Amanda coming in acting weird, in pain. She cringed with every movement she made.
"I'm sorry Amanda I should've known there was something wrong.."
"That was the goal Nick, to make sure nobody knew."
That didn't make me feel any better. I knew there was something wrong and I failed to do anything.
"Look, I'm sorry guys. Maybe I should just go home."
"You don't need to go anywhere Amanda. Right now here's probably the safest place." Liv said.

Once it was just me, Fin, and Olivia, I stopped keeping my thoughts to myself.
"That entire time she worked that case there was something off. I knew that and I failed to do anything."
"Nick calm down" Liv tried.
"You know we always preach don't be a bystander, yet that's exactly what we were."
Nobody argued.
"This could've been stopped before it began."
"Look, Nick you need to stop looking at the past. Pay attention to what is going on now. We didn't help her then, we need to now." Liv said.
"And how do you suppose we do that? There's nothing I can do, we can do to make things right."

Amanda's POV

I wasn't hungry, but I reluctantly agreed to go out to lunch. What else was I gonna do?
I stared at the menu trying to figure out what I wanted.
"She'll have the turkey sub" Jeff told the waiter.
"I'll be right on that"
The waiter waiter jotted down the order and left.
"How's work been going?" I tried to get the conversation going.
"Shitty" he replied.
"I'm sorry"
"You know Amanda some of us don't get to sit behind a desk all day in a nice air conditioned building."
I looked down at the table.
"I really don't understand how you're able to keep that job, you're clearly not very bright"
"Well, I'm going to the bathroom."
I stood up, but before I could walk away he grabbed my arm.
"You're not going anywhere."

Reality came back to view.
"You gonna order?" Fin asked.
"Um, yeah. I'll have umm, I'll just have your soup of the day."
"Alright, I'll go put the orders in"

I don't even know what was being discussed. I was lost in my own world.

"What's that matter with you?" I asked yanking my arm away.
"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you! You almost lost your job the other day!"
"Yeah because you wanted me home!"
The whole restaurant was staring at us now
"Don't you dare raise your voice again" he said much quieter. "And stop blaming me for your problems."
"Oh I'm the one with problems?"
I immediately regretted saying this. He looked around the restaurant making sure no one was paying attention then proceeded to reach across the table and hit me.
"It'll be a lot worse once we get home."

"Amanda? You alright?"
I jumped at the sound of my name.
"Yeah, I just I need some air."
I left the table and quickly went outside.

"Flirting with our waiter? That's bullshit!"
He pushed me down to the pavement.
"I wasn't flirting!"
"Than what do you call it? Huh?! Am I not good enough for you?!"
"Of course you are!"
"Than why are you staying out late with that partner of yours?"
"We're working on a case!"
"Stop raising your voice!"
He kicked me in the chest.
"Now get off the ground."

"Amanda what is going on? And don't say nothing"
Nick must've followed me outside.
"I think I'm loosing it. Everything reminds me of him."
"Look, I'm so sorry I wasn't there when you needed me. Maybe if I would've done something earlier none of this would've happened."
"This isn't on you Nick. But there is something I need to tell you."
"What is it?"
"I don't want to discuss it here, let's just go eat."

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