Chapter 12

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Nick's POV

"How's Amanda?" Was my first question when Liv entered my room.
"How are you Nick?"
"Fine. The doctor says a broken wrist and some cracked ribs, I'll be fine."
"We don't know much about Amanda yet, we do know she's alive and that's about it."
"How'd you find us?"
"Kokomo found Marcello he's in custody. We got a call from them and came down right away. The rest isn't important."
I'd guess they didn't use a conventional way to get Marcello to speak.
"Nick, I have to ask; what happened the past month and a half with him?"
"He had a plan. It was to travel across the country eventually to Mexico were he'd kill us."
"Traveling the country doing?"
"Prostitution, he was pimping her out is my understanding, you'd have to ask Rollins."
It was than Fin walked in.
"Any word on her?" Liv asked.
"They're still trying to stabilize her." He looked down. "It's not looking good."
"God this is my fault" I said.
"No it's not Nick" Liv reassured me.
"You don't get it. I knew she wouldn't last much longer so I tried to figure out a way to escape. The plan backfired because I underestimated how many of Marcello's men were in the house. They beat her as a way to punish me."
"You just tried to help"
"I should've known better than to try anything and now, now she might not make it."

Olivia's POV

We left Nick's room and waited for any news on Amanda.
"How you holding up?" I asked Fin.
"How do you think?"
I sat next to him.
"She say anything to you?"
"No, she didn't even know who I was."
We sat there in silence till the doctor came and got us.
"She's stable for now She had swelling in the brain that we got down. Fractured skull, internal bleeding, numerous fractures and lacerations. She's severally dehydrated and malnourished, had you of found her a day later she might not of been alive."
"She's gonna make it though right?"
"She's fighting off a very severe case of the influenza virus. She does not have the ability to fight this off right now."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means it's not looking good. This virus has been known to kill healthy adults. What I'm saying is you better say a prayer for her."
"Thank you doctor" I said and he walked away.
"We're gonna have to tell Nick." I said.
"Maybe not tonight. Let's see what morning brings us."
I couldn't disagree with that.

Amanda's POV

After everything went dark, I realized where I was. I was back at home.
"Frannie! How are you girly"
She came up to me tail wagging and attacked me with licks. I was so excited to see her I forgot everything that just happened. I sat on the floor rubbing Frannie's belly until my phone started buzzing. It was my alarm.
"Shit, I'm late for work!"
I quickly got up and rushed to throw on proper clothes and bolted to the door.
"I'll see you later girl" I said opening the door.
I smiled then turned to walk out the door. My smile quickly faded.
"Hey Amanda, long time no see."
"No, you're dead."
"Yes I am" Jeff said. "Do you know what that means?"
I thought about my apartment, Frannie, what had just happened.
"I'm dead"

Olivia's POV

"She's doing better, still not awake." the doctor told us the next morning.
"Can we see her?"
"Yeah, right this way"

"I heard coma patients can still hear."
"Fin she's not in a coma yet"
"You know what I mean."
"Well if that's true, Amanda Marcello is in custody along with his men. We got them." I told her.
"Now wake up" Fin added. "Please"

Amanda's POV

I died, I did die. I tried thinking of the last thing I could remember.
"Stay awake" was the last thing I remember hearing.
"Welcome to hell Amanda" He said pushing his way in the door.
"No! Go away!"
Suddenly I heard voices. Who's voice though? I couldn't make out any words. Just like that Jeff disappeared. Things went black once again. I sat down and concentrated on the voices. Who did they belong to? It sounds so familiar. I shut my eyes to focus and opened them to see I was in Jeff's mom's house.
"Ugh what are you doing here?" She asked when she saw me. "Jeff's downstairs."
"What am I doing here?" I asked her.
"Right now you're putting away the groceries. Chop chop."
I began putting stuff away. Jeff came upstairs and kissed my cheek.
"Hi, babe" he said.
I looked at the clock.
"I should be at work" I said.
"No, you need to be here with me. Understand?"
"Jeff I'll get fired if I don't show up"
He hit me.
"What is more important me or the job?"
I looked at his mom who just rolled her eyes and continued putting stuff away.
"You are" I whispered.

It's Not OverOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz