Chapter 18

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Nick's POV

Monday morning I woke up dreading leaving the house. It was strange, I never dreaded going to work till now.

"Hey, you're just in time we got another vic same MO as the last three." Fin said as I walked in.
"Alright I'll go down to the hospital with Liv"

"So Natalie you said you knew the guy?" Liv asked the 27 year old girl.
"Yeah, I met him two weeks ago, he said his name was Daniel. I gave him my number and we went out for drinks once"
"Can you describe him?"
"Dark hair, green eyes, had tattoos all down his arm."
I froze.
"Liv can I talk to you?"
We went out in the hall.
"What is it?"
"I'm probably just overreacting, but I saw Amanda talking with a guy dark hair, tattoos up his arms."
"There's tons of guys that match that description Nick, I doubt there's any correlation."
"I know, I just have a bad feeling."
"We can look into, but you'll have to bring her down to the station."
"Got it"

Amanda's POV

"What is this about?" I must've asked a dozen times.
"Nothing serious just some questions." Nick told me.
"Do you know this guy?"
He showed me a sketch of Daniel.
"Yeah that's Daniel, I met him yesterday walking Apollo."
"Daniel?" He asked.
"Oh no" I said. "What'd he do?"
"We don't know yet."
"Well what do you think he did?"
"He's a suspect in a four recent rapes he fits the describtion so we thought we'd look into him."
"Oh my god" I said unable to contain myself. "What is wrong with me?"
"What do you mean?"
I didn't want to say it. Every guy I think I can trust turns out to be a monster.
"I don't know, I'm starting to question there's anyone that's not out to get me."

I sat back at my desk and listened to Liv's briefing about Daniel.
"We don't know this Daniel's last name, but we do know his MO."
Nick added.
"He meets women in public places charms them then develops a relationship with them. After a week or so he lurers them to his house ties them up and rapes them."
Fin added too
"All four vics mentioned tattoos all up his arms. Dark hair green or hazel eyes."
He held up the sketch. Liv dismissed everyone then came to talk to me.
"We don't know for sure that these guys are related." She told me.
"Yeah we do, and you need me to help you catch him."
"That's only if you want to."
"It's either that or more women get assaulted. What do you need me to do?"

Nick's POV

"I don't like this"
"None of us do Nick, but Rollins gave us the okay. There's cameras and police everywhere she'll be okay." Fin reassured me.
The plan was Amanda was to meet Daniel at a bar for drinks then go back to "her" apartment which was wired with cameras and recorders. Once he makes a move we jumped in.
"Testing can you hear us?" Liv said through the walkie.
"Loud and clear." Amanda replied.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked.
"I don't have a choice at this point."
Daniel walked into the view of the camera.

Amanda's POV

"Hey, how are you doing?" He charmed his way into my head.
"Better now that you're here." I smiled.

We stayed and chatted and drank for a few then I started with the catch.
"You wanna take this back to my place?" I asked.
"Thought you'd never ask" he took my hand and lead me to his car.
I looked out the back window to make sure my squad was right behind us. They were.

I lead him up to "my" apartment and felt a chill as he locked the door behind us.
"Let's get started." He said pushing me onto the sofa.
He grabbed a knife and pulled out rope.
"I have to use the restroom." I said.
"Whatever, go."
I ran to the restroom.
"Rollins you okay?" I heard over the radio.
I turned it off. The memories flooded back.

"Amanda come out come out where ever you are." Jeff said.
I heard him rip duct tape off the roll. I stared in the mirror at my bloody face. He'd already beat me once now it was time for his favorite part.
"Come in babe let's have some fun."
I continued to coward in the bathroom. I watched his shadow on the floor outside the door. He let out a chuckle than busted open the door.

I screamed as Jeff err Daniel busted open the door and grabbed me by the hair.
"I told you to hurry up!"
"Let me go!" I cried.
"Shut up!"
He threw me to the floor and tied my hand behind my back. Where the fuck was everyone?

Nick's POV

No response from her.
"Let's go!" I yelled.
"No, we still got eyes on her let's wait." Liv said.
We watched as Daniel busted open the door and dragged her out.
"Okay now let's go" Liv said and we all ran up to her room.
"Police! Don't move!" Fin yelled as we got into the apartment.
Daniel fled down the fire escape.
"I got him you get her." Liv said and two uniforms followed her down the escape."
"Amanda hey you okay?"
I cut off the ropes and and brought her to a sitting position.
"Huh? You good?" I tried again.
She didn't say anything, just started crying.
"It's okay, I got you."

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