One || Minus one

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Colby's POV:

I walked into the green screen room for my last class.

Although I wasn't enrolled in this class, I was still in the group. This class is an advanced video class and the class was divided in two groups. This group is the YouTube group. We're in charge of the school YouTube channel where we make entertainment videos and post them on the school YouTube page. The other group focuses more on videos the school requests and they stay in the actual classroom while we stay in the green screen room right across the hall from the video class.

Once I walked into the room our "director" was in there crying along with Crystal and Mariah. Our director was a female senior. She knew the most about film and video which is why our teacher made her the director of the channel. Crystal and Mariah were also seniors. Crystal was enrolled in this class but Mariah was a TA (teachers assistant). Crystal was the "producer" of the group and since Mariah is just a TA she's more of an extra hand.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked.

"No" Crystal said to me. I looked at them confused.

"Mr. Garcia wants us to make a video honoring her" Justin said as he Michael, Brandon, and Josh walked in. They were all seniors too and were actually enrolled in this class. The whole group was here. Well minus Jade. She was also a senior and wasn't enrolled in this class. She was a TA for the class next door but since she's good friends with Crystal, Mariah, and our director Paige, they invited her to help out with the YouTube channel. Jade was the AD (assistant director) of the group. Justin and Michael are the actors who are the main stars of the channel, Brandon was camera, and Josh is more of an understudy for either Justin or Michael. I was an understudy for a Brandon.

"It's too soon though. Can we wait a couple weeks?" Paige asked Justin.

"I don't know I don't think he wants us to wait" Justin said causing Crystal to break down even more.

"Yo what's going on here? Why is everyone sad? And who are we making a video for?" I finally asked.

"You haven't heard?" Michael asked me.

"Heard what?"

"It's Jade. She committed suicide last night" he said and Mariah was full on crying.

"Wait what? She committed suicide?" I asked in shock. I wasn't close to her at all. In fact all I knew about her was her name and the fact that she was a senior. I always felt like she had somewhat of a thing for me but I'm pretty sure she didn't. Since I didn't know her I wasn't as sad as the girls were. I was shocked and sad but I wasn't as sad as the others.

"Ya. They found her this morning and her parents told the school" Brandon said.

"So Garcia wants us to make a video in her honor" Josh said. Garcia was the video teacher. Whatever he told us to do we had to do it.

"Damn that's crazy" I said.

"Ya. As you can tell the girls aren't taking it too well" Justin said.

"Well ya that was their best friend practically" I said.

"So let's just gather any information we have on her. Colby, what do you know about her?" Michael asked as he grabbed a pen and was prepared to write whatever I say.

"Her name is Jade and she's a senior" I said saying the only information I had about her.

Damaged // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now