Twenty-One || Daddy

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Colby's POV:

"Okay Cariah. This is where mommy went to school and where daddy currently goes" I said to the week old baby in the baby carrier I was carrying that couldn't hear me nor gave a fuck about what I was saying. Ive been home from school for the past week and most likely will be for a little while longer. I brought Cariah to the high school to meet everyone.

Mariah and Crystal are back at school. Thankfully they didn't have any serious injuries from the accident so they were able to return back to school right away. It was now after school and I told Crystal and Mariah I'd bring the baby and if anyone wanted to see her they'd have to stay after school for a few minutes. Since I'm out of school for a while I'm not allowed on the school campus without a visitors pass and even then they wouldn't let me get one just to walk around campus. But after school is completely fine since it isn't school hours.

"What's up Colby. Is that your baby?" Sam asked as he walked up to me.

"Yup. My little girl" I said as I placed the carrier on the nearest table and picked up the blanket enough for Sam to see her but not enough for the sun to hit her and wake her up.

"Oh my god she's adorable dude. What did you guys name her?"

"Thanks and Cariah" i said as I put the blanket back down.

"Cariah? That's cute"

"Yeah Jade wanted to name her after her best friends so she combined Crystal and Mariah"

"That's smart. So how you doing with the whole....well everything?" He asked.

"It's obviously hard especially because Cariah is here. But I'll be fine eventually. I just wish she could be here to meet her baby and so we could go through this experience together" I said.

"You know I'm always here. If you wanna have a guys night at my house just hit me up. You can even bring the baby. I don't know how it feels but I'm sure it's not the best feeling"

"Thanks Sam. Well I better go I told the YouTube group I'd bring her after school so they're waiting" I said as I picked the carrier up off the table.

"Yeah sure thing" he said. We parted ways and I walked into the green room where the whole youtube group was.

"Aww there's our intern" Josh said.

"Hey guys"

"How you doing?" Michael asked.

"Honestly. I could be better" I said.

"I'm sorry bro. You know we're always here for you" Brandon said.

"Thanks guys. I appreciate it" I said.

"Okay enough chit chat. Show me the baby" Mariah said. I placed the carrier on the table and took the blanket off of it. I guess all the noise and movement woke little Cariah up because she was awake when I took the blanket off.

"Oh. Hi baby. Ready to meet mommy and daddy's friends?" I said to her but she showed no emotion. I took her out of the carrier and held her.

"Oh my god she's tiny" Justin said.

"Yeah idiot. Babies are tiny" Crystal said.


"Okay anyone who wants to hold her has to sanitize the fuck out of their hands because she hasn't gotten her shots yet and I don't want her to get sick" I said.

"Shit. Do you have hand sanitizer?" Mariah asked.

"Yeah its in the outside zipper of the bag" I said. She took it out and they all sanitized their hands.

"Okay lemme see the baby" Crystal said. I slowly handed her to Crystal and she moved a little bit but stopped after a couple seconds.

"Oh my god. She looks like Jade" Crystal said.

"What did you guys name her?" Brandon asked.

"Cariah. Jade wanted to name her after Crystal and Mariah so she combined their names"

"Aww that's cute." They all took turns holding her and then gave her back to me.

"You guys know if Garcia is in his class?" I asked.

"Yeah he's in there"

"Okay I'll be back." I walked to Garcia's class with Cariah in my arms still.

"Hey Garcia" I said as I walked in. There were a couple students in here and Jackson was also in here.

"Hey Colby. Is that the baby?" He asked.

"Yes. Sanitize before touching please" I said and he used some of the hand sanitizer that was on his desk.

"Here's an exact replica of Jade" I said as I handed Cariah to Garcia.

"Wait wait. That's Jade's baby? How....wait did that happen?" Jackson asked.

"She survived. Jade didn't. It's not rocket science Jackson it's happened to people all around the world before" I said.

"Oh my god she's so cute. And she does look exactly like Jade which is weird because babies don't usually look like their parents for a while" Garcia said.

"What did you name her?" Jackson asked.

"Cariah Colbie. Colbie is spelled c-o-l-b-i-e" I said.

"Cariah? Never heard that before" Jackson said.

"Jade wanted to name her after Crystal and Mariah but she didn't wanna pick only one of them so she combined the names" I explained.

"Well that's cute and she's adorable Colby" Garcia said.

"Do you wanna hold her Jackson?" I asked.

"Ummm sure" he said. I handed him the hand sanitizer and then Garcia handed Cariah to him.

"Damn she is tiny. She's a lot smaller when you hold her" Jackson said.

"Yeah I know"

"How old is she?" Jackson asked.

"A week and 2 days" I said.

"How much did she weigh?" Garcia asked.

"7 lbs 4oz"

"Shit. That's like how much I gain after I eat" Jackson said before handing me back Cariah.

"Alright well I should probably be heading home" I said.

"Alright well it was good seeing you Colby. You and Cariah are always welcomed here whenever whether you're back in school or not" Garcia said.

"Thanks. I'll probably come visit again in a couple days if I have nothing else to do" I said.

"Alright see ya Colby" Jackson said.

"Bye" I started walking out of the classroom.

"That guy Jackson, that just held you, your real daddy" I said quietly to Cariah.

Damaged // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now