Five || Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones

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Colby's POV:

"His long luscious hair. His piercing blue eyes. His ability to rock a beanie. I loved him. I loved him more than I've ever loved anyone in my life. But he doesn't care. If he did he would have responded to the messages I sent him. Instead he leaves me on delivered for weeks. He never wanted to socialize with me. One time we had to record a basketball game together and afterwards I went home and cried because i realized nothing would happen between us. I love him. But he doesn't love me back. So what's the point in living?"

"Colby that doesn't mean it's your fault" Garcia said.

"If I was thicker would he finally like me back? If I had a nicer body would he finally like me back? If I was more popular would he finally like me back? But most importantly, would i finally be pretty? Would I finally be happy?" I read.

"Again doesn't mean it's your fault"

"This was the last straw. I felt like something could have happened between us but apparently not. It's been almost a week since I've messaged him and I'm still on delivered. But he keeps watching my stories. This is the point when I know there's no point anymore. Fuck him. Fuck everyone. Colby Brock. I love you but fuck you. You ruined my life. You make me not want to be alive" I read.

"Colby" Garcia said in sympathy. I wiped my eyes not even realizing I had tears going down my face.

"I was such a dick to her and she was in love with me. I pushed her to suicide because I was being a dickhead" I said. Garcia doesn't care if we cuss around him.

"Colby it's not your fault. You didn't do anything. You didn't know she was severely depressed"

"Thats the point. I didn't do anything. I could have stopped her but I didn't" I said.

"Colby you have no idea what was going on in her head"

"She seemed so happy in 7th everyday. I don't get it" I said.

"Someone can seem like the happiest person in the world but be really depressed"

"I finally opened the message she sent me on Snapchat. I left her on delivered for a week and I opened it on Saturday. She said she needed my help with something. What did she need my help with? She she need my help ending her life?" I asked.

"I don't know. There's no way to tell. But one thing I wanna know, did you like her back?"

"No, yes, maybe. I don't know. Apart of me kinda did but the other part didn't"

"What did you like about her?"

"Her personality. She was so outgoing and funny"

"I'm sorry Colby. It's not your fault. It's nobody's fault"

"Yo Garcia, I need help with this video- are you crying?" Jackson said as he walked in the class.

"I think I'm just going to go home" I said as I closed the MacBook.

"Alright well if you need me you know where to find me" Garcia said.

"Thanks" i said before walking out of the class.

After reading that, I'll never be the same.

Damaged // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now