Nine || Its Never Too Late

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Colby's POV:

Today is the day Jade comes back to school. I'm super nervous and I really hope she will talk to me. I know she's going to be overwhelmed with questions from people and I just hope she'll listen to what I have to say. I made sure I looked nice today because I'm trying to impress the girl.

After reading everything she wrote I felt such a strong bond with her. Hopefully we can get somewhere after awhile. Everything I read made me realize how much I actually care about her.

I got to school and saw so many anti-suicide posters.

Ya that'll make her feel happy. Note the sarcasm.

I saw her walk into school but her friends were hugging her and crying.

She looked stunning. Like nothing ever happened to her.

I decided to let her friends have this time with her and she would most likely be reuniting with all her friends during break and lunch. Maybe it would be best to talk to her during 7th.


"Well look who's back" Justin said as Jade walked into the green room. She smiled.

"Hey everyone. I've missed this ugly green screen" she said.

"The ugly green screen missed you too" Paige said. Right away she started talking to the group about video ideas. She's acting like she didn't just get out of a hospital after attempting to commit suicide.

It's kinda weird.

"So do you think it would be better to record on Wednesday then?" Paige asked Jade.

"Ya that way we have time to edit on Thursday and Friday" she said.

"Okay well I guess we're done for today" Paige said. The guys went to Garcia's class and the girls started putting the camera and equipment away. I took Jade's macbook and phone out of my backpack and walked over to her.

"Umm I believe this is yours" I said. She looked at me then looked at what was in my hand.

"Oh. Thanks" she said with a smile before taking the devices from my hand and placing it on the table. She continued to turn off the studio lights.

"Sooo are you busy after school today?" I asked her.

"Ya. I have an interview with the city newspaper. They wanna hear my story and if it helps others not go in the same direction I went it, I'll tell it as many times as I have to" she said.

"Okay. What about tomorrow after school?"

"My friends wanna go to the mall. I haven't seen them in a week so ya I'm kinda busy" she said nonchalantly.

I don't get it. She's completely normal. She doesn't seem depressed or anything. She doesn't seem like anything happened. If I was in her position I sure as hell wouldn't be this happy.

"Are you okay?" I asked. 

"Ya Im fine why?"

"Because you're acting as if nothing happened" I said.

"What do you mean? How am I supposed to act?" She asked.

"Not like this. A week ago everyone in this entire school thought you were dead. Now you're here and it's like that never happened. And now you won't even really talk to me" I said.

"It's not my fault everyone thought I was dead last week. The school twisted my parents words and I was given a second opportunity am I supposed to feel bad about that?"

"Well no. But you don't even wanna talk to me"

"What's your point?"

"Based off of what I've read in your MacBook I know a week ago you would have been happy about me talking to you" I said.

"Maybe after being hurt so many times and realizing all the pain and sadness wasn't worth it, I finally realized I need to stop wasting my time and move on" she said.

"Jade I'm sorry about everything I've done to you. But I want to start over and hopefully have something with you" I said and the bell rang.

"Look you don't have to feel bad okay. I'm over you and just because you thought I was dead and now you want me do you think I'm going to just agree to that? I suffered for three years because of you and now that you feel sorry I'm supposed to go along with it?" She said before picking up her backpack and leaving the green room. I sighed in frustration.

That didn't go as planned.

I looked over at the table and saw she left her MacBook and phone here. I picked it up and put it in my backpack.

I practically rejected her for three years. I can't just expect her to automatically want me now that I want her.

Damaged // Colby BrockHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin