Two || That's My Best Fucking Friend

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Colby's POV:

"So did she show any signs of suicide?" Sam asked.

"I don't know. I didn't talk to her but I had seen her around school" Corey said.

"That's crazy. You think someone's happy and they could actually hate living and want to end their lives"

"Guys can we change the subject?" I asked.

"Okay. Um what are you guys doing Saturday?"

"Oh there's going to be a memorial at the park for Jade on Saturday. Do you guys wanna go with me?" Sam asked.

"Okay seriously? All I've heard about in all my classes is Jade. I get it she was unhappy and she ended her life but seriously can we talk about something else. I'm over hearing about a girl who killed herself. There's so many people who kill themselves everyday why is she special?" I said.

"That's fucked up Colby. Her parents just found out their daughter was dead yesterday"

"I'm sorry but she killed herself. Talking about it isn't going to bring her back" I said. The bell rang and I walked to my next class.

"Okay class so today we're going to talk about learning the signs of suicide" my teacher said causing me to mentally sigh.


"So what are we doing today?" I asked the YouTube group as I walked in the green room. The girls were still pretty upset. The guys were upset also. She was in their graduating class but they never hung out or talked before this group becoming a thing. Jackson was in the green screen room talking to Paige. Jackson is the "director" of the other group in the class. He's also a senior and everyone pretty much hates him. And I literally mean everyone hates him. If it's not film related, then Paige or anyone else in this class doesn't even like talking to him.

"Okay so we have a lot of information about Jade. Michael and I hardcore stalked all her socials and found this info about her that I think should go in the video" Justin said. I sighed in annoyance causing everyone to look at me.

"What?" Paige asked me.

"It's just I've been hearing about Jade all day and then I have to come in here and hear more about her" i said.

"Damn Colby, not even I am that fucked up" Jackson said.

"That was my best fucking friend. She was severely depressed" Crystal said in a pissed off tone.

"Well if she was that unhappy she should have gone to a therapist" I said.

"Paige. Get this fucking bastard out of this fucking room before I fucking lose it and hit him" Crystal said.

"Why are you getting mad at me I'm saying the truth" I said.

"I fucking swear to God, Jesus, and the Virgin Mary I will hit him. I never thought I'd say I hate someone more than I hate Jackson" Crystal said.

Crystal doesn't scare me. Oh wait. Yes she does.

"Colby I think it's best that during this project you either stay in your class or you stay in Garcia's class" Paige said. I'm a TA for a biology teacher but since he never has me doing anything he's okay with me coming and helping out here in the green room.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"Look were trying to do something in honor of one of our classmates. If you're going to come in here acting like that then I think it's best if you don't come in here while we do this" Michael said. I got up and left the green room going into Garcia's class.

"What's up Colby?" He asked.

"They kicked me out"


"Because I said that all I've been hearing about is Jade and I don't want to hear anymore of it"

"Well they were all friends with her so they're more upset about the situation than you are. That is however not the nicest thing to say to people who are in mourning" Garcia said.

I just hung out in his class until the bell rang signaling it was time to go home and not have to hear about Jade Brooks for the weekend.

Once I got home I didn't have homework so I went on Instagram. Pretty much every single person I followed were posting pictures about Jade with the same "rip. We miss you" caption. 1/16th of these people actually hung out with her and knew her so I don't know why the rest are posting about her.

Fuck Instagram.

I went on twitter and literally the same thing. The same thing was on Facebook, Snapchat and every other social media.

I can't get away from her.

Damaged // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now