Twenty-Three || Plans Change

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A month later and Cariah is still with Jackson. He did try to come by my house and get me to take her back a few times but I didn't. He's been to school everyday still so I'm guessing he has a babysitter. But then again his parents make good money and give him whatever he wants.

Mariah and Crystal were obviously very fucking mad when I told them I gave Cariah to Jackson but they got over it. After all that is her dad it's not like they can hold it against me for the rest of my life.

I still miss Jade so much and everyday I wish she was here. And the obvious question do I miss Cariah? Well yes I do. But I honestly think she'd be better off with Jackson. Her REAL dad.

Once It sunk in to Jackson that I wasn't going to take Cariah he came and picked up everything I had for her. I've seen Cariah in person a few times but i see her often on Jackson's Instagram. He finally told all his friends and everyone about Cariah so he posts about her on Instagram a lot. She starts looking like Jade more and more everyday.

Everyone in the youtube group all graduated high school a few days ago and I'm going into my senior year of high school. Since Paige was the director and she graduated, you're talking to the new director of the school YouTube channel. After senior year I plan to attend college and get a degree in cinematography so I can start being a cinematographer in movies. Jackson, last I heard will be attending community college but I don't know what he's majoring in.

Everyone has their plans for the future but like we've all learned....plans change.

That's it everyone. Hope you all enjoyed this book.

Damaged // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now