Twenty-Two || Stepdaddy Will Miss You

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Colby's POV:

Cariah is 2 months old now. I haven't gone back to school. I haven't seen any friends. And I've only gone back after school to visit once after the first time and school is already almost over. Cariah is a handful and it's very stressful. I had to get a job to support her and my days have been nothing but full of stress. I get up and go straight to work then get home and take care of Cariah. It's very draining.

"How was work?" My mom asked as I got home.

"It was alright" I said. I picked Cariah up from the playpen downstairs and went upstairs to my room. I placed her on my bed with pillows surrounding her so she wouldn't fall.

I put the clean laundry on the floor and started to fold it.

I looked over at the baby on my bed and suddenly it hit me. This isn't my baby. This baby has no relation to me. So why am I responsible? Why did I tell people I was the dad? I can't do this. This baby needs her real dad.

I practically gave up my whole life just to take care of a baby that isn't mine. I didn't mind doing it when Jade was here because I loved Jade. But now that Jade is not here I shouldn't be responsible for Cariah. I love her death. But I just can't do this. I have to start being honest with everyone. Starting with my mom. I picked Cariah up and walked downstairs to the kitchen where my mom was.

"Mom. Look at Cariah" i said.

"Why? Is something wrong with her?" She asked.

"No just look at her"

"Okayyyy. Why?"

"Does she look like me?" I asked.

"Ummm not really she looks more like Jade"

"Do you wanna know why?"

"Because Jade is her mother" my mom said.

"No.....Cariah doesn't look like me because.....she's not my baby" I said.

"What? What do you mean she's not your baby?"

"I didn't want to tell you at the time because I thought you'd think I was crazy, but when I first started talking to Jade she was already pregnant and not by me" I explained.

"What? This is a joke right?"

"No. She got pregnant by a guy at my school who just wanted to hook up with her. He doesn't even know he's the dad he thinks I am. Everyone thinks I am"

"Colby you're kidding right?" She asked.

"No. I'm still a Virgin I've never even had sex before. I'm sorry I lied to you mom. I just really loved Jade and didn't want to let her go. But now that I've learned what being a teen dad is like. I can't do it. And I shouldn't have to do it. I think Cariah should go to her real dad"


I walked into the cafe with Cariah's carrier and a bag full of her stuff.

"I know this may sound like I'm abandoning you. But I'm not. Step daddy will miss you but you need your real dad" I said quietly. I walked over to the table with a familiar face.

"Hey Colby"

"Hey Jackson"

"What's up why'd you wanna meet?" He asked.

"So i was talking to Jade a few days before the accident and she told me everything that happened between you too"

"What do you mean" he asked.

"Like you're the baby's father"

"Shhh will you shut up. People know me here"

"Wait you knew?"

"Of course I knew. And my deal with Jade was that I'd pay child support if nobody found out I was the dad"

"Why don't you want people to know? They are going to find out at some point like when they see you with the baby"

"Well that's not going to happen. I don't wanna be a dad. I'm not ready to give up my life"

"Well. That sucks. Because you're going to have to"

"What do you mean" I got up and handed the baby carrier to him.

"What are you doing" Jackson asked.

"You may not know this but your name is on her birth certificate. Therefore, she's your responsibility not mine" i said as i handed him the bag before i started to walk away.

"Wait Colby, why are you doing this?"

"Because I shouldn't have to give up my life and be responsible for a baby when you're the one who was being irresponsible and not practicing safe sex. So you can pay the consequences" I said before walking out of the cafe.

Damaged // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now