Seven || Its Not Over

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Colby's POV:

"Colby, Jade's mom is here again" the principal said once I walked into his office.

"Hello. Do you want her MacBook back?" I asked as I sat in a chair.

"No that's fine. I went through her phone and there was stuff in there too that I figured you'd like to read" she said as she pulled an iPhone 6 out of her bag and handed it to me.

"There's more?" I asked.

"Ya. Her passcode is 1324"

"When do you want all this stuff back?" I asked.

"As soon as you're done reading it all" we left and I started walking home.


Dear Colby,

If you're reading this it's because I finally decided to end it all. And if you didn't know, now that I'm gone I can tell you I've liked you since my sophomore year and your freshmen year. You followed me on Instagram and I followed you back. Once I saw you your freshmen year I realized how attractive I thought you were. You had a girlfriend at the time and I respected that. Once you and that girl broke up I didn't think about anything happening between us. We were in the same YouTube group and I found out you had another girlfriend. It completely broke my heart. I started to become more and more into you but you clearly weren't into me. A lot of days I'd go home crying knowing we'd never happen. And I was right. This may not mean anything to you, but I love you.

Jade Brooks

I had tears running down my face. I quickly wiped them away hoping nobody would come into my room and see that I'm crying. I didn't tell my parents or anyone about the MacBook or phone because I just didn't want them to know. They'd make me feel worse than I already feel.

I decided to just go on Instagram to try to get my mind off of things. People started calming down with all the Jade posts but I guess today everyone decided to post about her which wasn't helping me. I decided to just read more on her MacBook. Hey her mom said I could read whatever I want she didn't specify just to read the parts about me.

Jackson, you screwed me the fuck over in junior high and you continue to think it's okay to bring that up. We have a past and it's the past. But hearing about it all the time because you think it's funny isn't funny. It still hurts to look at you and know I wasn't good enough. It's still hurts to look at you and know I was just a joke to you or that you never took me seriously. And it still hurts knowing every single thing you've done to me.

Damn. No wonder Jade hated Jackson so much when she was still here. He fucked her over in junior high.

This girl, who I knew nothing about less then a week ago has completely turned my life around.

Damaged // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now