Four || Alicia

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Colby's POV:

"So did you guys post the video?" I asked the group when I walked into the green room.

"Ya. Everyone's sharing it" Paige said.

"Wow" i said. We started discussing the next video we were going to do when Garcia walked into the room.

"What are you guys doing?" He asked us.

"Discussing the next video" Paige said.

"Okay cool. Colby they called you to the office" he said before walking out.

"What did you do now?" Justin asked.

"I honestly don't know" I said. I grabbed my backpack and walked to the office.

"Um i got called over here" I said to the front desk lady.

"What's your name?"

"Cole Brock"

"Oh yes. The principal would like to speak to you" she said.

Um okay. What does the principal want to speak to me about?

"Hello mr Brock. Have a seat" the principal said as I walked into his office. There was an older women in there who looked somewhat familiar but also not quite familiar.

"Mr Brock, this is Alicia Brooks, Jade's mom" he said.

Uh-oh. Maybe she heard I was being a douche about her daughters death.

"Hi. I'm sorry for your loss" I said to her.

"Thank you"

"Alicia went through her daughters computer to see if there was anything that lead to Jade's decision and she said she found some stuff that she'd like for you to read" the principal said.

"Me?" I asked in confusion as to why me out of all people.

"Yes. There's something about you in here that I think you need to see" she said as she handed me a MacBook.

"I wrote down her passwords on a sticky note and stuck it on the screen"

"What's in here about me?" I asked.

"Just please, read it. And don't show it to anyone else. I don't want this to get around school" she said before getting up and leaving. I left and went to Garcia's class. The bell rang as I was walking over here so there was nobody in here other than Garcia.

"What's that?" He asked.

"Jade's mom came and said there was something about me in Jade's computer and that I should read it. And she said not to show it to people" I said.

I know Jade's mom said not to show it to anyone but Garcia is someone I trust.

"Are you going to read it?" He asked.

"I guess I am" I sat down on a chair and opened up her macbook. There was a sticky note hanging on the screen so I pulled it off and entered her password in. Once I did that I opened up the notes app which is what her mom said on the sticky note I should look at.

"Oh my god" I said.

"What?" Garcia asked.

"It's my fault. I'm the reason Jade Brooks killed herself"

Damaged // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now