Thirteen || Your Secret Is Safe With Me

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Colby's POV:

"Wait what? What do you mean you know?" She asked confused.

"I overheard you talking to Garcia about you not knowing if you wanted to tell me"

"Oh. If you don't wanna see each other anymore I understand" she said.

"Who's the father?" I asked.

"Some guy I had a one night stand with. I was upset because you didn't message me back so I was walking around and met him. I don't even know his name or number"


"I know I know. I'm a slut" she said as she covered her face with her hands.

"Hey you're not a slut" I said as I removed her hands from her face.

"So you're not mad?" She asked.

"Mad? No. Shocked? Hell ya"

"What am I gonna do?" She asked.

"Do your parents know?"

"Ya. My family knows and the only friends that know are Paige, Crystal, and Mariah"

"Well. I'll be there to help you out" I said.

"No Colby. This isn't even your baby"

"I don't care if it's my baby or not. I like you and I will help you with this baby"

"I honestly don't deserve you" she said.

"No i don't deserve you"


"I have something to tell you guys" Jade said to the YouTube group.

"What's up? Don't tell us you're leaving the group" Michael said.

"Ya we need you in this group" Justin said.

"No it's not that. I'm pregnant" she said.

"What? Really?" Justin asked.


"By who?" Brandon asked.

"Ummm-" Jade started but I cut her off.

"By me" I said as i stood up next to her.

"What?" Everyone including the girls said at the same time.

"Are you guys a thing?" Justin asked.


"Since when? We've been in a group with you guys for two months and we never knew"

"We actually became official yesterday but we've.....had a couple flings" I said.

"Wow. That's crazy. A junior and a senior having a baby" Justin said.

"Ya it's pretty crazy" Jade said.

"So how far along are you?"

"Im barely a month and a half but I wanted to tell you guys so you guys know why I won't participate in certain videos or why the smell of that makes me wanna throw up" she said pointing to Justin's kit kat bar he had open.

"My bad" he said as he wrapped it up and put it in his backpack.

"Also don't tell anyone. We don't want word to get around school yet" I said.

Jade and I agreed not to post about it for a while so we have time to talk to my parents. I was serious when I said I wanted to be there for her and that baby. Regardless if it's mine or not.

"We gotcha"

Jade's POV:

"Colby is the father? You told us it was some random guy" Paige said as soon as everyone left the room.

"No. Colby's not the father. But when I told him he said he'd be there for me and this baby even if it's not his and I actually didn't know he was going to tell them he was the father" I explained.

"Shut the fuck up. He really said that?" Mariah said.

"Ya i know I was shocked too. Like how many guys in high school actually act like dads?" I said.

(A/n: DISCLAIMER. That was for entertainment purposes only. I know there are a lot of teen dads out there who stick around and take care of their babies)


"Well I gotta go. He wants to talk to his parents after school and the bell's gonna ring in a minute" I said as I picked up my backpack. I walked out of the green room and into Garcia's class just as the bell rang.

"So you told him?" Garcia asked me. Colby was right next him and I'm guessing Colby was telling him our plan.


"Are you ready to go talk to my family?" Colby asked me.

"Ready as ill ever be" I said. He held his hand out and I placed my hand in his before we walked out of the class.

"Bye guys. Good luck" Garcia said.


There's a 98% chance that this will not end well. But there's also a 2% chance this could end well.

Damaged // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now