Sixteen || Snooze You Lose

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Colby's POV:

"Jackson that's fucked up" Crystal said.

"I fucking said, quiet on set" Jackson said.

"Hey this is my set so fuck off" Paige said.

"You don't have to ask her that Jackson" I said.

"Ya of all people YOU should know not to ask me that" Jade said as she wiped her tears and got up and walked out of the room.

"Jade wait. You're a dick Jackson" I said before running after her.

-=earlier that day=-

"Hey bitches" I said as I walked into the green screen room. It was lunch so i knew Jade would be in there. To my surprise all the girls from the YouTube group and Jackson and Joshua were in there setting things up.

"Call me a bitch one more time and I'll make you never have kids" Crystal said.

"Damn girl. No chill" I said as I sat on one of the stools.

"Okay Mariah can you get a camera?" Jackson asked Mariah. She nodded and walked out of the room.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked.

"School wants me to interview Jade" Jackson said.

"Right now? The bell is going to ring in like 8 minutes" I said as I looked at the time on my phone.

"No during 7th" Jackson said.

"Ya and the camera can't stay in here stupid. You have to bring it in here when we're about to film" Jade said.

"I know. I need the camera so I know where to set up the tripod stupid" Jackson said.

"Chill" I said.

"Control you girlfriend" Jackson said.

"Bitch please nobody controls me" Jade said.

"Ya Sure" he said.

"Hey I don't have to do this interview if I don't want to" Jade said.

"Mmmm yes you do. The school asked and Garcia will lower your grade if you don't" Jackson said.

"Fight me" she said before sitting down.

"So what are you interviewing her about?" I asked Jackson.

"They just want me to interview her about her story I guess. I don't know they weren't specific"

"Shouldn't you ask them? What if you interview her about her story and that isn't what they want?"

"Then they can suck my dick"

"Ya you'd probably like that" Jade said.

"Only because you wouldn't suck my dick" Jackson said.

"First of all you're funny if you think I'd ever suck your dick and second can you not say stupid shit like that to me. Especially when my boyfriend is literally right next to you. That's disrespectful as fuck" Jade said.

"Ya Jackson stop being a home wrecker. Nobody in this room wants to suck your dick" Crystal said.

"Here you go" Mariah said. She came in the room and handed Jackson a camera.

"Well there's the bell. Im going to go to a class that A doesn't have Jackson in it and B doesn't talk about dick sucking" Jade said.

"Welcome to high school" Jackson said.


"Can you state you name, age, and grade" Jackson said to Jade. Jade was sitting in front of the green screen, Jackson was behind the camera and everyone from the youtube group was in the room watching.

"My name is Jade Brooks, I'm 17 and a Senior" she said.

"And can you tell us your story?"

"Well I was very mentally unstable and I thought my only option was to end my life. However, luckily for me I had the best doctors who were able to bring me back" Jade said.

"And you're pregnant right?" Jackson asked and Jade's smile dropped.

"Umm what?" She asked.

"You're pregnant aren't you?"

"Why are you asking me that? That has nothing to do with my story" Jade said.

"Look Im just asking questions alright. And I'm going to take that as a yes you are. So who is your baby's father?" Jackson asked.

"Umm. My boyfriend is the babies father" she said as she looked at me. I gave her a smile of reassurance.

"So aren't you scared that Colby will leave and your baby will no longer have a father just like you? Because I mean you of all people know what it's like to not have a father around" Jackson said causing everyone in the room to look shocked.

"What the fuck?" Joshua said.

"Quiet on set" Jackson said.

"Did you seriously just ask me that?" Jade asked.

"Jackson that's fucked up" Crystal said.

"I fucking said, quiet on set" Jackson said.

"Hey this is my set so fuck off" Paige said.

"You don't have to ask her that Jackson" I said.

"Ya of all people YOU should know not to ask me that" Jade said as she wiped her tears and got up and walked out of the room.

"Jade wait. You're a dick Jackson" I said before running after her.

Crystals POV:

"What was the point of that Jackson? What was the point of you bring up her dad not being around?" I asked Jackson madly.

"Hey I was just asking questions"

"That's fucked up though you don't bring that shit up" Brandon said.

"You're such a fucking dickhead I swear" I said before leaving the room to go find Jade with Mariah following me.

Colby's POV:

"Jade are you okay?" I asked as I sat next to her at a table.

"No. That's fucked up I want to punch him in the face" she said as she continued to cry.

"When you told him "you out of all people should know not to ask me that" what did you mean?" I asked her. She wiped her tears.

"Jackson and I used to be good friends a couple months ago. In fact he was like my best friend. He knew all about my father not being around and how upset it made me. So him saying that really hurt because he knew how it made me feel"

"He's a dick" I said as I wrapped my arm around her.

"Yup. Indeed he is"

"Why did you guys stop being friends?" I asked her.

"He was just a fuckboy who wanted to fuck every girl and when I noticed that I didn't wanna be involved with any of that so we just stopped talking"

"Well it's okay. Because now you have me"

"And that's the best thing that's ever happened" she said.

Damaged // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now